Ficus often respond to even the slightest change in environment by losing some leaves. This is the time when your Ficus will most likely lose some leaves. Hello, I recently acquired a 2 year old ginseng tree, and am not so sure how to take care of it properly. Just bringing your ficus in when the temperature drops might not be enough to guarantee a healthy plant. You're going to lose some leaves as the temperature drops. This is the time when your Ficus will most likely lose some leaves. If the plant was recently moved and the temperature in the new location is not too low, monitor leaf drop to make sure it ceases within a few weeks. You'll see new buds swelling in late winter, ~late February, or so. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions, so while a ficus might be able to handle a little nip in the air, it can't withstand true winter. In short, dropping the leaves is a survival mechanism for Ficus trees. This is a natural way for your plant to conserve energy. Hello, I recently acquired a 2 year old ginseng tree, and am not so sure how to take care of it properly. Ficus plants react to dry seasons by dropping their leaves because they’re native to climates with a rainy season and a dry season. Ficus ginseng losing its leaves. They will simply turn yellow and drop. Why is my ginseng (Ficus) tree losing leaves? For growing Ficus trees, it’s important to provide adequate lighting. Be aware that, because the ficus is sensitive to change, it may drop leaves when you first move it, but it will recover in thirty to sixty days. Every winter the lighting is reduced, especially indoors, which affects your plant. It has lost many leaves since I … Ficus often respond to even the slightest change in environment by losing some leaves. Ensure that you only water when the soil is dry. It will stabilize soon and then just park for the off season. Leaves are not forever, and the eldest, interior leaves are at the end of their useful life, and this is the end of the growing season. It may seem counter-intuitive, but you actually want to water your plant less in the winter. It has lost many leaves since I … The ficus species contains over 1,000 different types of plants. Occasionally, a ficus may begin to wilt and die if it is getting too much or too little sunlight or water. It might be that your Ficus ginseng is simply watered too much, that it lacks surrounding moisture or light, or that it is set in a place full of drafts. During the winter months, when light weakens, you may need to move your ficus to a stronger light. Sometimes known as the Taiwan Ficus, Banyan Fig or Indian Laurel Fig, the Ginseng Ficus is characterized by the shape of its strong roots and stems and small, alternating oval dark green leaves that grow up the stem and which are more oval than the Ficus Benjamina.