The path to become a horticultural therapist is quite varied. This includes gardening, spending time among plants, and learning more about horticulture. Let nature be your stress buster . The work of a horticultural therapist is often part of a self-directed treatment plan for people struggling with mental or emotional issues. The Benefits of Horticultural Therapy. I work full time for Adult Care Services as the Manager of Horticultural Therapy Services. If you plan to break into this line of work, it would be advisable to obtain a degree or foundation degree in a subject such as botanical sciences, horticulture, horticulture leadership, education, nursing, social work, landscape design, educational psychology or occupational therapy. They may also hold other professional qualifications in areas such as horticulture, health and social care, teaching, occupational therapy or nursing. How does it work? Via chadwickarboretum. Working in this field is far from boring. Horticultural therapy (HT) integrates therapy with gardening for the purpose of physical and mental rehabilitation. The influence of the interaction of plants and people in an atmosphere as calming and relaxing as a garden or greenhouse has a positive effect on all participants. Training. Therapy - therapeutic treatment, an agency of treatment designed or serving to bring about cognitive, physical, social and/or psychological adjustment. Today, horticultural therapy is used to help treat post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety. The path to become a horticultural therapist is quite varied. Some professional psychologists, recreational therapists, and counselors offer this type of therapy for clients who are having trouble connecting. What is Horticultural Therapy and How Does it Work? In vocational horticultural therapy settings, people learn to work independently, problem solve, and follow directions. What is one activity you feel a budding Recreation Therapist could implement for their participants? You will be more encouraged to get out because gardening is a fun activity. The information at does not in any way constitute professional advice and the Horticultural Therapy Institute cannot … For many who like to work with their hands and enjoy garden-related activities, horticulture therapy can open doors to new careers in areas such as landscape planning, garden nursery jobs, flower arranging or grounds keeping. Getting into nature, and away from work, has its benefits. If you like plants or if you’d like to know if you have a green thumb, then you can take this opportunity to discover your gardening talents. Horticultural Therapist: Job Description, Duties and Requirements. Horticultural therapists Many horticultural therapists working at garden projects in the UK have completed specialist training programmes in social and therapeutic horticulture at Thrive. Horticultural therapists Many horticultural therapists working at garden projects in the UK have completed specialist training programmes in social and therapeutic horticulture at Thrive. Today, horticultural therapy is used to help treat post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety. The purpose of this research is to evaluate if horticultural therapy works as an alternative treatment to mediate or treat depression in adults with a mental health diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder. It’s an exciting way to heal people and it’s proven to work wonders. What successes have you observed? Horticultural therapy. Sep 20, 2019 Learn about the education and preparation needed to become a horticultural therapist. Since then, a large body of research has proven the benefits of horticultural therapy. Horticultural therapists are professionals with specific education, training, and credentials in the use of horticultural for therapy and rehabilitation. Horticultural Therapy: Improves your mood. Read … As early as the 1700s, people were recommending work in gardens for people with mental illness. What gardeners know. What gardeners know Getting into nature, and away from work, has its benefits. The work of a horticultural therapist is often part of a self-directed treatment plan for people struggling with mental or emotional issues.