This list includes drugs reviewed by NIOSH from January 2012 to December 2013. Since 1984 there have been many additional technical papers and publications citing the effects of exposure to nature, including works by Tove Fleld, Virginia Lohr, and the landmark study by Roger Ulrich on the health benefits of nature views in hospitals. By controlling the body’s circadian system, light impacts outcomes in healthcare settings by reducing depression among patients, decreasing length of stay in hospitals, improving sleep and circadian rhythm, lessening agitation among dementia patients, easing pain, and improving adjustment to night-shift work among staff. The benefits accrued from exposure to nature extend not only to patients, but are also significant for hospital staff, considering that the alertness of nurses in hospitals is … Stress. 1 As medical science and technologies have progressed the more indirect connections between nature and the healing process are often overlooked. Whatever you choose to do, be in nature mindfully. As Congress debates how to reform our healthcare system, we in our communities and neighborhoods; in state and local governments; and in businesses, schools and hospitals, must see the bigger picture of health. The calming effects of the natural environment are particularly beneficial for easing stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression. The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard requires precautions when dealing with blood and other potentially infectious materials. Why our children need to get outside and engage with nature More and more children today have less and less contact with the natural world. What roles do nature and exposure to natural surroundings play in improving our health? Extensive research demonstrates that even a short exposure to nature reduces patient stress considerably. 5 Inadequate … Both passive exposure to landscapes and more active interactions with nature provide mental and … Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings. Without you knowing it, you will get exposure to unseen elements that are positively affecting your brain and body, like negative ions that improve your immune system and relax your body as opposed to positive ions that are emitted from electronics that can wreak havoc on your system. Whilst urban-dwelling individuals who seek out parks and gardens appear to intuitively understand the personal health and well-being benefits arising from ‘contact with nature’, public health strategies are yet to maximize the untapped resource nature provides, including the benefits of nature contact as an upstream health promotion intervention for populations.