5. Learn how to sauté, wilt, roast, puree, blanch, steam, and freeze kale. Known to be one of the most nutrient-dense foods, kale is rich in minerals such as sodium, iron and potassium. Eating kale is one of the healthiest things you can do today. But other nutrients are best available when the foods containing them are cooked, or broken down by cutting or crushing, and/or eaten alongside other foods. 1. Cooking kale lightly is the best way to eat it for nutrients. You will get far more nutrition from microwaved kale than from raw kale, because your digestive system isn’t really up to the task of digesting raw vegetable matter. Here are the 10 best ways to get the most nutrition from your food. Find healthier ways to … Depending on how much water you add, the mash can be like a green soup. Steaming results in the most overall carotenoids, antioxidants, and phenolic content. If you’ve been to a Whole Foods recently, you probably already know that kale scores a perfect 1000 on Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s Aggregate Nutrition Density Index (ANDI).. And if you’re a fan of No Meat Athlete on Facebook and saw the infographic we shared a few weeks ago, then you know that per calorie, kale has more iron than red meat and more calcium than milk! Overcooking kale or adding excess butter or other fats, however, can reduce its nutritional value. Steaming broccoli is a great way to keep all the nutrients and the incredible benefits they offer for the body. Kale is considered to be one of the Super Foods for those concerned with eating healthy, local grown diets. Take an immersion blender and turn the whole thing into mash. It's also a great method when you want to cook a variety of greens; Cook delicate greens like spinach a little less than kale or chard. The Best Way to Cook Kale The Best Way to Cook Kale Kale is a powerful green loaded with nutrients, and it can make a delicious dish despite its tough texture and somewhat bitter taste. After the kale is washed and cut, try one of these 7 best ways to … Kale chips are a surprisingly addicting, yet healthy snack option. I don't taste it all, which is nice because kale tastes terrible. You can add some balsamic vinegar or lemon too. Shouldn't be too detectable then. This is the primary way I eat kale because I got so sick of gnawing on the leaves. although this will remove essential dietary fiber. This leafy green comes in a variety of colors, shapes, and textures. Can rabbits eat kale, kale leaves, roots, or stalks? Kale is a cruciferous veggie that has fiber, vitamin C, and manganese, among other nutrients. Life consists mostly of shades of grey, and the answer to this question is the same (only maybe it is shades of green and purple).