That means the average person on the street is far more likely to have other interesting skills like speaking a foreign language (over 15% of Americans are bilingual, and over 50% of Europeans are). A further benefit of having a vertical farm is seen in the fact that having farms like these within the inner cities, the carbon footprint in miles of food transportation will be reduced, because the crops and produce are already there, within easy access to those who need them. Corresponding Author. A review study by Kheir Al-Kodmany noted that cities need to produce food internally to respond to demand from growing population, avoid price shocks, and address environmental issues concerning field farming. 5. E-mail address: The technology could provide more employment to the rural populace expected to converge to the cities in the years to come. Vertical farming: sustainability strengths . Opportunities and Challenges in Sustainability of Vertical Farming: A Review ... lower losses as compared to traditional farming. Some farms, particularly in large urban areas, are successful already. It is not even possible to calculate the economic feasibility of setting up a vertical farm. It’s not all positives, though. Perhaps the key benefit of vertical farming is that it uses far less water. Disadvantages of Vertical Farming- There are also some disadvantages to vertical farming such as that there will be less jobs as there is not a need for people transporting the crops. However, its economic as well as environmental feasibility requires in-depth scientific investigation. But Peter Tasgal's research argues that vertical and greenhouse farms are getting competitive with their outdoor peers. Here are 9 reasons why vertical farms fail from the history of three major vertical farms -- and how to avoid the mistakes. There are several benefits to vertical farming, including no reliance on weather, less water usage, and the ability to convert city spaces into working farms. Vertical farms are being heralded as the farms of the future. Economic Viability— One of the major disadvantages associated with vertical farming is its cost. Comparing the Profitability of a Greenhouse to a Vertical Farm in Quebec. Crops are grown inside, under lights, one on top of the other. Vertical Farming holds the promise of addressing these issues by enabling more food to be produced with less resources use. Vertical Farming is steadily becoming a subject Economic Viability— One of the major disadvantages associated with vertical farming is its cost. Finally the price is another advantage of vertical farming. However, traditional farming will continue because many crops are not suited to … The major portion of investment relates to the purchasing of high-tech instruments.