Instead, it would be wise to chart a good diet for exams with the following food groups incorporated wisely! The next time you feel yourself dragging during a study session, dump your coffee or energy drink, toss your sugary snacks, and pick up one of these foods to get the natural lift in energy you need: Top 10 Healthy Snacks for Studying 1. If you’re heading off to the library to do research for a paper or to join a study group, bring along some healthy snacks so that you won’t be tempted to … For morning exams: Learn how the food you eat affects your body so you can choose foods that improve your memory, fuel your brain and help you smash your study schedule. Walnuts. Snack smart and study hard. Complex carbs are the body's and brain's main source of fuel. Eating a brain-boosting diet can support both short- and long-term brain function. It’s true—eating certain foods can improve your ability to focus, retain information, and remain mentally alert in order to get you through the most grueling of study sessions. Avocados are unlike any other fruit. The food you eat can affect how well you do on your next test. Pack a Snack. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of the diet during exams. 7. In an effort to improve productivity, some small business owners are turning to smart drugs, substances that can improve certain brain functions like memory and the ability to learn. Eat these 11 foods to boost your memory and focus, help prevent disease and keep sharp as you age. Spinach. Brain food cheat sheet 5. Want to learn more? Well-balanced Snack. Aug 24, 2015. The foods we eat can have a big impact on the structure and health of our brains. Avocados. Bone broth is the ultimate food for healing your gut and, in turn, healing your brain. 1. Like everything else in your body, the brain cannot work without energy. Oranges. This is important to remember around exam time, when you're probably paying more attention to books than brekkie. Having just started studying again in my late 20s, I am reminded of all the desperate ways we try to overload our brains when exams loom. Make sure it is familiar food - don't eat anything unusual or that you have never tried before on the day of your big test. It helps satiate the appetite by keeping blood sugar levels steady, preventing sudden cravings for high-sugar foods and dips in energy. Keep your brain well fuelled with our guide to the different foods that help us concentrate and stay alert. Omega-3-Rich Foods. But for entrepreneurs that don’t want to go quite that extreme, there is a simpler solution. "People who eat lots of omega-3s maintain brain capacity, concentration and alertness much better," says Somer. Best Brain Foods to Eat Before an Exam. Here are recipes for two delicious smoothies: Cherry Mint Blast Smoothie and Vanilla Tahini Protein Shake. Natural Brain Foods for Alertness: Fish for Omega-3s. Brain food is designed to help your brain’s performance and its ability to retain information. Spinach is chock full of folic acid and has even been shown to reverse memory loss. Pre-exam meal ideas. ... One of those simple recipes with an output greater than … Summary: Oranges and other foods that are high in vitamin C can help … The foods we eat can have a big impact on the structure and health of our brains. If you have an important test or exam on the horizon, start that ‘brain food eating plan’ today, and not simply the night or meal before a big test. Eating a brain-boosting diet can support both short- and long-term brain function. That's why we've compiled the fifty best foods—from snacks to your favorite cut of meat—that will boost your memory, improve your motor skills, and even help beat back depression. 4. 50 Brain Food Snacks That Don’t Taste Like Tree Bark. 3. You can also get excellent amounts of vitamin C from bell peppers, guava, kiwi, tomatoes and strawberries ( 62 ). The darker the chocolate, the more benefits your brain will receive. Wholegrains. ( 2 ) 2. It is one of the best foods after a traumatic brain injury since broccoli actually repairs neuroconnections and speeds up the healing processes around the brain. The food you put into your body can have a huge impact on how your brain works. Eating a healthy, balanced diet that includes these 10 brain-boosting foods may help to keep your memory, concentration and focus as sharp as it can be.