According to a study that we like very much, an avocado a day really does keep the doctor away. Eating an avocado a day is great when it comes to reducing bad cholesterol (LDL), getting plenty of vitamins, minerals, and promoting healthy weight loss. That vitamin E is important for immune function. The latest research suggests that avocados … 25 Reasons Why You Should Eat A Whole Avocado Every Day Health “The myriad of healthy fats and nutrients found in an avocado – oleic acid, lutein, folate, vitamin E, monounsaturated fats and glutathione among them – can help protect your body from heart disease, … Summary Numerous studies have shown that eating avocado can improve heart disease risk factors like total, “bad” LDL and “good” HDL cholesterol, as well as blood triglycerides. Avocado tastes great, but that’s not all – eat it every day for an incredible effect on your body. On the subject of consuming such fats, nutritionist Caroline Brown told HuffPost, "It's crucial for every cell in your body — research shows a diet high in MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids) may reduce depression … Keeping blood sugar levels stable is important in reducing your risk of diabetes – a disease that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates will affect 40% of Americans at some point during their lives. Lutein, of which avocados contain high amounts, is a known factor in reducing inflammation. – Helps ease arthritis symptoms. Plus, avocado actually helps your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E and K. “So eating avocado with a salad or a lot of different vegetables actually helps you to absorb the vitamins from those foods,” she says. Avocado can help lower down cholesterol levels The regular intake of avocado helps high blood patients in keeping their blood pressure down and controlling their cholesterol levels. 2. Avocado fruit is used to lower cholesterol levels, decrease hunger, to increase sexual desire, and stimulate menstrual flow. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” the old saying goes – but the apple may have had its days as a universal symbol of healthy eating. Avocados contain polyols, so people who are intolerant of polyols may experience adverse effects after eating them. Brown added that eating healthy fats like the ones found in avocados helps keep you feeling full for longer, slows down digestion and can help you lose fat. “It’s crucial for every cell in your body — research shows a diet high in MUFAs may reduce depression and be protective against cognitive decline as we age,” she explained. Avocados are full of healthy fats. An avocado is a creamy, delicious, nutrient-bomb. When eating with other foods, avocado’s absorption properties ensure that our bodies get the maximum amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients derived from those foods. The seeds, leaves, and bark are used for dysentery and diarrhea. Since many illnesses, including cancer, are believed to begin because of inflammation, there’s a chance that an avocado a day could keep the cancer away. So you should eat one. Avocado can reduce lipid production inside the body. In addition, these same two nutrients also act as buffers against oxidative UV damage, keeping our skin smooth and healthy. If you have an avocado intolerance, you may still be able to eat small amounts of the fruit without symptoms. Avocados appear to be helpful in regulating blood sugar levels. On the other hand, there are also some individuals who don’t experience such allergic reactions from avocados but still, avocados are not beneficial for them as these avocados can give rise to adverse effects of the flu, paralysis, nausea, gastrointestinal disorder, vomiting, migraine, drowsiness, fever…