... Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 1 orange and veggie salad. Even if you eat a … Obviously you can’t live on eggs alone as it would be detrimental to health. Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruits. This extreme weight loss diet can be hard to stick to long term, and it can have some side effects. Together with this, make sure you get adequate exercise, don’t smoke and limit alcohol consumption. 2. Here we give you a carefully designed 10 days boiled egg diet plan that you can get on with right away and see results coming in no time. However, it needs to be told that, this boiled egg fast weight loss plan is not to be confused with an extended time low-calorie diet. You can try this awesome quick weight loss boiled egg diet that is effective and can make you lose up to 11 kgs in just 2 weeks. The struggle to lose weight is probably one of the most difficult tasks, and people constantly seek a way to find the best advice or quick weight loss tips. This high protein diet with two boiled eggs every morning is great for weight loss where you may lose a considerable amount of weight in 2 weeks. These diet regimes are predominantly based on the elimination or regulating of carbs in the diet to induce weight loss. Three boiled eggs contain about only 240 calories but fried eggs in oil or butter adds 50 calories more to the eggs. These are really nutritious and so, the weight loss diets which include boiled eggs fortifies your nutrient needs and yet accentuate weight loss. Eating close to 6 eggs in a day! Boiled eggs are your best bet as they are devoid of any excess oil or additional fat or calories. Hard-boiled eggs help lose weight by keeping you full longer and restricting your calorie intake. Let us understand in steps how a boiled egg diet helps in weight loss: Boiled eggs when consumed for breakfast give you a feeling of being full for a long time. Well, we have the one that you need. Breakfast for dinner-- or brinner, if you will -- is no new concept.Waffles and pancakes have been untraditionally cooked up for the day's final meal for ages. Eggs support weight loss by keeping hunger at bay and preventing big spikes in blood sugar. Whilst boiled eggs are great for weight loss, you should ensure that you have a balanced diet and are including other weight loss foods in your meals. Now that you know everything about how this diet works, here comes the real deal. They make a good protein choice at breakfast with whole-wheat toast and fruit, and eggs also make a convenient and filling snack any time throughout the day. Spice Up Your Eggs. There are several versions of the egg diet, but all of them highlight the consumption of scrambled, poached, or boiled eggs as the main source of protein while cutting down on carbohydrates and calories.