For the record, vegan and vegetarian eating patterns can supply all necessary nutrients as well. In other words, in order for eating meat to become good for the environment, some major changes need to take place. Frightening numbers. Written by Tyler Puckett. If you choose to include meat in your diet, it’s important to know what health benefits you might be getting and how to choose the healthiest meats. Here are some well-known health benefits of meat consumption: Protein. Generally, people think vegans have the lowest environmental impact, but lacto-ovo vegetarians (vegetarians who will eat milk and eggs) and vegans (people who eat zero animal products) have similar footprints. In fact, it has such a devastating effect on all aspects of our environment that the Union of Concerned Scientists lists meat-eating as one of the biggest environmental hazards facing the Earth. Written by Tyler Puckett. Here are some well-known health benefits of meat consumption: Protein. If more farmland was used to grow crops for humans, then more people could be fed at less of an expense to the planet. It takes only a few days for our gut bacterial patterns to change – the benefits of a plant-based diet … Frank M. Mitloehner, University of California, Davis. Here’s how to make it painless for you – and others Now let’s take a look at the benefits of a vegan diet for our environment… Environmental Benefits of a Vegan Diet. Eating meat has ‘dire’ consequences for the planet, says report. Outcomes have less to do with eating meat and more to do with being conscious about where your food comes from at all. All of the livestock being raised throughout the world produce enormous amounts of manure and urine, which in turn pollute natural resources. Earth Day 2017: How Eating Less Meat Helps the Environment. Yet gorging oneself on protein doesn’t yield health benefits. Eating meat has a hefty impact on the environment from fueling climate change to polluting landscapes and waterways. Looking at the meat production graph really makes me think that our planet is destroyed already. For the record, vegan and vegetarian eating patterns can supply all necessary nutrients as well. Study reveals tremendous benefits of eating less meat Reducing global meat consumption could improve health, the environment, and the economy. The Environmental Impact of a Meat-Based Diet. Americans consume the most protein in the world, and they eat the most meat, according to an article published Feb. 6 in Nutrition Reviews. Globally, animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gases than … Earth Day - a time when millions of people around the world celebrate our environment by unplugging the TV, taking shorter showers, and using refillable water bottles. Factory Farming is an Environmental Disaster. We can try to remove plastic straws from the shop and pretend that we have done something good for the environment, but unless we stop eating BEEF, we are literally doomed. The Environmental Impact of a Meat-Based Diet. Environment. Eating too much meat is no good for our health, with overindulgence linked to increasing rates of heart disease, cancer and obesity. Why do vegans and the green movement argue that meat is so bad for the environment? There's simply not enough land on the planet to raise enough meat to feed everyone the average American diet. A new study has found that the environmental impact of beef production is significantly worse than that of dairy, poultry, pork and eggs. Other reasons to reduce your intake of meat include the positive impact it has on the environment, animal welfare, and on your budget. ... Additional impacts on the environment from a meat-eating diet are the pollution of our water and air. This understanding is becoming more urgent as the global population is expected to hit or surpass 9.1 billion by 2050. Of course, not eating meat has huge benefits not just for ourselves. Earth Day 2017: How Eating Less Meat Helps the Environment. But, of course, it is not what we eat individually — it is what we eat as a whole society that has the impact on the environment. Animals kept on small farms also produce benefits, such as fending off predators and pests and fertilizing soil. ... Additional impacts on the environment from a meat-eating diet are the pollution of our water and air. Of course, not eating meat has huge benefits not just for ourselves. As this is not true, here is a list of the health benefits of eating meat that all contribute to carrying out vital metabolic functions but also giving one a lot of energy as well: Benefit 1 Since meat contains a large amount of protein, this could be beneficial to the body as the need for protein is an important one for the body. If somebody had doubts about [whether or not to eat meat] and they read my book and agreed with it, they might think you can afford to eat a modest amount of dairy and meat without destructing the environment. Some people believe that we are in the midst of an environmental crisis, while many think eating meat is an inevitable part of 21 st century life. Globally, animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gases than … Earth Day - a time when millions of people around the world celebrate our environment by unplugging the TV, taking shorter showers, and using refillable water bottles. I can see big advantages, both environmental and ethical in reducing the production and consumption of grain-fed meat, be it chicken, pork or beef.