A dependent clause can either modify an adjacent clause or serve as a component of an independent clause. For example: If you want to be good at something, you need to practice as often as possible. Start studying Examples of Phrases and Clauses. Choose from 500 different sets of clauses english phrases examples flashcards on Quizlet. ” Subordinate clause: “After the boy went to the school…” Phrases. For example: Independent clause: “The boy went to the school Examples of phrases and clauses in sentences. Independent or dependent clauses. The underline group of words in the following sentence is a phrase. If a clause can stand alone as a sentence with a capitalized first word and a period or other end punctuation, it’s called a main clause or an independent clause. Some examples: Because he likes the house. This clause has a subject (he) and a verb (likes) but it lacks the main part of the sentence.However, it's okay as an answer in a conversation. Examples of main clauses that are also sentences: Clauses, phrases and sentences are very similar, but they do have different roles. A clause is a group of words that contains a finite verb (that is, a verb that indicates time such as present, past or future). He, having books in his hand, was going to college Types of Clauses. A clause has a subject and a verb, but it may or may not be a sentence.. For example: The girl is at home, and tomorrow she is going to the amusement park. Like a phrase, a clause is a group of related words; but unlike a phrase, a clause has a subject and verb. Introductory clauses are considered to be dependent clauses that offer additional information or ‘set the tone’ for the main clause or part of the sentence – the independent clause. If you’d like more information on phrases and clauses, be sure to check out the Professional Writing lessons at Magoosh. Phrases and Clauses: Final Thoughts. What is a clause? Clauses and phrases are standard components of sentence writing. And, Noun clauses; Phrases vs. Clauses. Every sentence must have at least one clause to be considered grammatically correct. Start studying Examples of Phrases and Clauses. Some examples: Because he likes the house. This clause has a subject (he) and a verb (likes) but it lacks the main part of the sentence.However, it's okay as an answer in a conversation. When the two are combined with other elements of speech, or other sentences parts, clauses and phrases can help to establish a complex structure enabling your verbiage to establish or convey meaning. An adverb clause describes or gives more information about the verb-tells us when, where, how, to what extent, or under what condition something is happening. A phrase lacks both the subject and the object. Now that you have the full list of the preambulatory phrases and MUN operative clause words, all you need to do is pop them into your resolution. There are many different types of phrases and clauses.Let’s find as below: Clause. Learn clauses english phrases examples with free interactive flashcards. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. A clause is a part of the sentence that contains a verb.A typical clause consists of a subject and a predicate, the latter typically a verb phrase, a verb with any objects and other modifiers. Learning the difference between them will help you make a lot more sense of English grammar, and will be very useful to improve your written English. Skip to the clauses & phrases worksheets. There are two main types of word chunks, clauses and phrases. Understanding how clauses and phrases work will help you better understand sentence structure. An adjective clause describes or gives more information about a noun-tells us which one, what kind, or how many. If you are a trainer you can also use them to write samples of preambulatory clauses, sample operative clauses or even a full sample MUN resolution. Phrase vs Clause in English. A clause is a bunch of words with a conjugated verb in it. A clause has a subject and a verb, but it may or may not be a sentence.. I hope you had fun trying to grasp some of the fundamental concepts of phrases and clauses. A phrase is a bunch of words without a conjugated verb in it. Clauses and phrases are the building blocks of sentences. Examples: She is looking very much happy, her face expressing a shine of happiness.