If the stems didn’t bend too close to the bloom head and you don’t mind a shorter length, you can just make a fresh diagonal cut above the bend and put the stem back into fresh clean water to see if the buds will open. Don’t cut the leaves yet! Amaryllis bulbs grown in water do not generally grow well in subsequent plantings. You can more or plant the Amaryllis outdoors for the summer, in partial shade. In other words, you have to learn about gardening. Once the flowers of your amaryllis have faded, cut back the flower stalks to ½ an inch (1.25 cm.) Did you know that amaryllis will grow happily in water? #2 Cutting stems before they bloom helps the bulbs conserve energy for future flowers. #3 Amaryllis flowers are top-heavy and when they’re in bloom, it can be hard to keep the pot upright. You can care for amaryllis flowers in garden beds or … To promote blossoms for next year, water and feed your amaryllis with Miracle-Gro® Indoor Plant Food every 7-14 days. A good rule of thumb is the vase should be at least two-thirds the height of your cut stem. How to Make Amaryllis Bulbs Rebloom When you invest in great quality amaryllis bulbs, ... Don't cut off the leaves. As soon as you cut the amaryllis, immediately place the stem in at least 4” to 5” of clean water. You can cut the flower off however far down the stem you like, but the further down you cut, the longer it will take to regrow. It’s true, and with suitable care of amaryllis in water, the plant will even bloom abundantly. Instead of soil, you may choose to "water plant" your amaryllis. OMG ... with a normal bulb, you have to plant it in a pot, add soil, water it, then wonder how to care for it after it finishes blooming. Discard the bulb when the blossoms wilt. Add the amaryllis bulb, then add … Of course, the bulbs cannot remain in this environment long term, but it’s a great way to enjoy the showy flowers over winter when all else looks dreary. ... holding the base of the cut flower under running water. Storing Amaryllis Bulbs in Winter. When the amaryllis blooms, rotate the container 90 degrees every day or two so that the bloom grows straight. Look What They Did to This Amaryllis! You can feed your Amaryllis with a half-strength water-soluble fertilizer every two to three weeks. The color of amaryllis is beautiful so feel free to snip a stem here or there for use in a vase. Since amaryllis stems can be quite long, you may need to cut as much as 8” to 10” or more if you’re using a shorter vase. They are also beautiful as a cut flower and come in a wide range of colors and varieties (including unique cybister amaryllis and nymph (double bloom) amaryllis varieties). You don't have to water it ever. Not so with a waxed amaryllis. Cut the flowers off at the stem once they have flowered. Fill a clear vessel with a three-inch layer of stones or pebbles. The amaryllis bulb is prized by gardeners because it is easy to plant and replant after a short dormant period. It’s hard to pinpoint the exact culprit, but amaryllis stems are hollow so they can bend more easily than other flowers. In the spring, you can move your plant outside to a bright, sunny spot. Amaryllis are one of the most popular flowers you’ll find around the holidays but most people think of them as a potted bulb plant and only available in white or red colors; Amaryllis are so much more than that!