Tap the bell button. I have received your request to be excused from work from [Starting Date] to [Ending Date]. 4 years ago. And Yahoo is not part of it. Address the concerns of your manager by presenting the plan that you prepared at the beginning. What if your leave has been approved? The company may not be legally required to pay you, either fully or in part, while you are away from your job, but there are legal protections to guarantee that you can return to your job when your leave is finished. Check to make sure your information is correct. An employer can only refuse an employee's request for annual leave if the refusal is reasonable. Requesting annual leave. This notification serves as confirmation that your time off has been approved. It should be the same as the information on your passport. ... Once an application has been approved and a final decision has been entered, the processing office must send the ‘Passport Request’ letter to the applicant through their MyCIC account. Either someone in that company is seriously in the wrong place, or they want to get rid of you. In the portal the employee has the opportunity to cancel the leave request that has been approved as well as the ones that have not been approved yet. Then, you will be provided the request detail. Procedures for finalizing approved applications. Since it's been approved, there is no cancel leave button in LeaveWeb anymore. We will look forward to seeing you again when you return. Your Benefit statement will provide the information you need to complete your reports with our Internet reporting service or our Telephone reporting service. Can they take this away from me, or do they have to honor the approved request? Relevance. In order of things to do: You go to your direct manager and ask him or her straight if he has told HR to reject your holiday or not. 3 Answers. Please know that you will be missed in your absence, but I wish you the best for your time off. Lv 7. An employee needs to request to take annual leave before going on leave. This step may even be done in … Explain to them that coverage has been taken care of … First, you can directly check the request list on your homepage. Login to reply the answers Post; jeeper_peeper321. I realise the efforts that you have put in for the past 3 months for the project and you must be longing for a break. Tap ‘Add Cancellation’. just … My current platoon doesnt want me to take the leave i requested for, but it has already been approved by a high ranking official. Hi all, we are in ECC 6.0. The process for requesting annual leave is often set out in an award or registered agreement, company policy or contract of employment.