Like many of your hubs, this is vital information for those who eat such fruit. I prefer the longan which is crunchier, sweeter, also juicy and with its own particular fragrance. But if you will excuse me, I am off to think of lychee puns. Like we mentioned, it’s very difficult to grow without having the correct environment and climate to begin with. Lychee fruit season is from May to July. Once you peel the skin off, the crisp juicy flesh of a lychee fruit is white or pinkish, translucent and glossy like the consistency of a grape, but the taste is sweeter. I had no idea of how toxic the lychee could be! Most of the time, this particular fruit can have a slightly floral taste and a similar aromatic smell akin to roses. Bad lychees will cause your toes to curl and your mouth to pucker. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to think of more lychee puns. What does a lychee nut taste like? Rambutan is a medium-sized tropical tree in the family Sapindaceae. Some people say it tastes like a grape with a hint of rose, while others claim it tastes more like a pear or watermelon. Some people say it tastes like a grape with a hint of rose, while others claim it tastes more like a pear or watermelon. The lychee fruit is about 1½ to 2 inches in size, oval to rounded heart shaped and the bumpy skin is red in color. It has a red outer skin as well but the skin is rough. You can buy lychee drinks, canned lychee, and lychee sweets besides the fresh fruit. The combination of sweet and tart means the lychee pairs well with other tropical flavors. Lychee is also known as litchi or leechee. Of course lychees cannot be distilled, high as they are in their water content, like most fruit. it is sweet, juicy, a little crunchy like a grape, and has its own fragrance. It is most of the time eaten fresh, however, it could also be preserved by canning. The name also refers to the edible fruit produced by this tree. it is sweet, juicy, a little crunchy like a grape, and has its own fragrance. I prefer the longan which is crunchier, sweeter, also juicy and with its own particular fragrance. The best way to obtain benefits from the fruit is to simply eat it. Good lychees have a beautifully lush, floral perfume. If your lychee fruit does feel squishy, it's probably well past ideal ripeness. Simply put, lychees are sweet and tart at the same time. If you haven’t tasted lychee yet, you’ll have to really soon! Its light, floral taste — some say it's a grape/rose, others insist pear/watermelon — pairs perfectly with coconut, lime, and other tropical tastes . To me, the lychee fruit tastes like sweet perfume. Lychee fruit is sweet and very juicy. If you cut into a lychee and find that it has a yellowish or brownish tinge, this is another sign that it's gone bad. The scent profile of litchi is close to that of a very juicy grape, with a mild flavor that is aqueous, delicately rosy and temperately sweet. They both don’t taste the same! The lychee flesh is very similar to the rambutan in regards to texture but the taste is not as rich or creamy. With its fleshy and fresh inside the lychee tastes like a light florally grape if you will. Sweet but not too sweet, with an occasional hint of tartness, they pair well with flavors such as jasmine, rose (think Pierre Hermé's Ispahan line), kaffir lime, ginger, oolong tea, and coconut. Lychees are a solid addition to most drinks, and are definitely a bold flavor that, if used properly, can add to a dish. It’s not the same as Lychee! It is also slightly acidic in nature. What fruit does lychee taste like? You can buy lychee drinks, canned lychee, and lychee sweets besides the fresh fruit. What Does Lychee Taste Like? How Do You Pick Lychee at the Supermarket? I find it difficult to describe what they taste like! It has a delicate flesh, and the fruit offers sweet and slightly musky aroma. After you peel lychee, it looks like a jelly followed by seed. You can make jellies, jams, purees, sauces, and preserves out of this fruit. Lychee wine is believed to pair better with shellfish and Asian cuisine than with heavier meat dishes. Lychees are a bold taste which, if utilized correctly, may add to your dish, and are a good addition to beverages. If you're craving a new fruit to try, lychee is for sure a solid choice. It is usually served ice cold, either straight up or on the rocks with food. If you've never enjoyed this flavor before, find an Asian grocery that sells bottled rose water and add a splash of it to a glass of lemonade. A lychee is not like a pear—it shouldn't be that soft.