Since the turnip had been named first by Linnaeus, the name Brassica rapa was adopted. Bottle Biology projects encourage creative ways to grow plants, such as the bottle growing system, to promote science as a tool everyone can use to explore the world. Herbs are fast growing plants that also require very little maintenance and that germinate and grow quickly. Wisconsin Fast Plants presents this guest blog as a contribution from a member of our sister program, Bottle Biology. Skip to main content. The Bottle Growing System (BGS) is a low-cost growing system ideal for growing Wisconsin Fast Plants. The Beginner's Kit to Grow 4 Types of Microgreen Sprouts from Seed. Skip to main content. Wisconsin Fast Plants™ Growing System Growing systems used by other plants may work for Fast Plants. Growing Wisconsin Fast Plants is engaging and educational for learners of ALL ages and grade levels. Seedlings and flowering plants also require a moist (not wet) growing medium. Herbs can also be cut and their leaves taken as samples without hurting, damaging or killing the plant. Origin of Wisconsin Fast Plants Professor Paul H. Williams is to thank for fast plants. These weeds must have sprouted very fast. No surprise, one of my favorites is Matt Candeias’ podcast, In Defense of Plants. It had been a long winter and a long time since his family had had any fresh vegetables to eat. A Growing System Fast Plants need a place to grow with continuous light and water. Fast Plants live their whole lives in 35 to 45 days; perfect timing for science classes as well as plant geneticists. A stable growing system that is easy to construct for all age learners. 3.6 out of 5 stars 2,175. Wisconsin Fast Plants are a patented variety of rapid-cycling Brassica rapa developed by Dr. Paul Williams at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as a research model for studies in plant disease. However, in order to be successful with Fast Plants in the classroom, read the growing instructions fully and test the system prior to using it with your students. 49. He first developed them in 1987 in the plant research program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to help protect cruciferous plants (such as broccoli, cabbage, radish and mustard) from disease. Life history and management considerations are available for many species, and new information is continually being added. The first part of this investigation, Procedure, minimally involves growing one generation of Wisconsin Fast Plants from seed to seed, followed by an additional 10-day growing period for the second generation of plants. The Deli-container Growing System is a stable growing system that is easy to construct for all age learners growing Wisconsin Fast Plants. Plant an Organic Indoor Vegetable Garden with Ease. 10 Day Results. It would also be three months before the barley he had just planted could be harvested. You’ll find many, many more resources in our Digital Library, too. Fast Plant Lab 15% coupon applied. Wisconsin Fast Plants Growing System, Student 3.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. Wisconsin Fast Plants Growing System, Classroom: Industrial & Scientific.