Oprah never gave up on her dream of becoming successful Black African American woman that has her own television talk show and many other things.
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She's arguably one of the richest and most powerful women in the world, so many fans are wondering how exactly Oprah Winfrey got famous.
Why You Chose this History Maker: I chose Oprah Winfrey because she is an African-American woman who became big and inspirational and not only that but she has made so many contributions to America and around the world by helping others. In this clip from 1986, Oprah Winfrey speaks out for the first time about being abused by her relative, who was 19 at the time. 7th Sep 2016 +0 . It … Oprah Winfrey is one of the many people that I look up to as a role model. When I think of the word leader seven things come to mind, … Renowned television talk show host Oprah Winfrey is sometimes called the most influential woman of the 20th century, and perhaps rightly so, as she has her own globally viewed talk show, television network, magazine and millions of fans. She has also starred in films. The short answer? She is a leader and she has proved that to the world a very long time ago. Oprah Winfrey openly discussed her childhood sexual abuse suffered at the hands of male relatives and her mother's friends on a special episode of her show focusing on sexual abuse in 1986. she decided to start the Oprah Winfrey show. She is a self-made miracle, rising from extreme poverty to one of the richest women in the world; at one point, she was the only African-American billionaire. Share on. why is Oprah Winfrey famous because she wanted to be famous. “I am telling you about myself so that maybe the closet where so many sexual abuse victims and their molesters hide may swing open just a crack today and let some light in.” Share on +0 . 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' Winfrey launched The Oprah Winfrey Show in 1986 as a nationally syndicated program that ran for 25 years, until 2011.