In André Øvredal’s “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark,” these loaded words are spoken by one of the film’s five central teens, tormented by a self-writing storybook they had carelessly taken away from a haunted house in their small town of Mill Valley, PA around Halloween of 1968. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is rated PG-13 by the MPAA for terror/violence, disturbing images, thematic elements, language including racial epithets, and brief sexual references. The plot is not gore or scary and disappoints fans of the genre. Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark is gateway horror that treats intended audiences to many a scream, pulling no punches nor watering down nightmarish conjurings that remind how healthy fearful emotions can be at any age. The pity is that Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark will mostly be seen by jaded genre completists and nostalgic fortysomethings. Lots of jumpscares. In SCARY STORIES TO TELL IN THE DARK, nerdy, horror-loving outcast Stella (Zoe Margaret Colletti) is urged to come out on Halloween night, 1968, with her two misfit best friends, Augie (Gabriel Rush) and Chuck (Austin Zajur). This intriguing documentary will explore the history and background of one of the most controversial works of modern children's literature: Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Lots of scary monsters and demons, some with dead messed up faces. Change is blowing in the wind...but seemingly far removed from the unrest in the cities is the small town of Mill Valley where for generations, the shadow of the Bellows family has loomed large. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark really doesn’t even scratch the surface of things on that front. The characters are relatively likeable, but their tale is fairly featureless. At the drive-in, the teens duck into the car of Ramon (Michael Garza), a loner who's … Now let’s count all the formulaic components (as well as our consequent blessings) in this vista, shall we? The original Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark books may have been geared towards young readers, but as anyone who grew up with the tales can tell you, the series never skimped on frightening subject matter. But if the viewer likes mystery and fantasy films, he or she will certainly enjoy this film. "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" is an entertaining horror film with short stories linked by a lead story with Stella and Ramón. John Squires True to the kid-friendly spirit of the books, director André Øvredal and producer Guillermo del Toro ‘s Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark has been aiming for a … Wrong demographic. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark DISCUSSION TOPICS – Urban legends, witchcraft, corporate greed, poisoning water supplies, cover-ups, false accusations, torture, murder, child abuse, violence, danger to teens and college-age people, the Nixon Administration, the Vietnam Conflict, avoiding the draft, xenophobia, racism.