(OK, just kidding about that last one.)
Scale is a common pest of many houseplants, including ficus species, such as your fiddle leaf fig. Let’s learn more about some of the most common fig issues affecting these fruit trees. Scale is a common pest of many houseplants, including ficus species, such as your fiddle leaf fig. Scale insects are tiny, sap-sucking creatures which attack many varieties of plants. If you spot any of these unwelcome critters, wipe them off with a hot-and-soapy cloth or with a mild insecticide. This is usually caused by mealy bugs and/or scale. A fiddle-leaf fig … A fiddle leaf fig tree works really well as a trial run for any future family growing. Plants at risk. Different varieties of scale can be white, black, orange, or a color that blends in with the plant's coloring, making them even more difficult to detect. These nymphs mature late in the fall, overwinter on the twigs, and repeat the cycle (Bodkin 1927). The fiddle leaf fig is prone to thrips (aka thunder flies), mealybugs, glasshouse red spider mites, and scale insects. They are often somewhat rounded, but not always. They really are tricky little dudes. I have just purchased a fiddle leaf fig for inside my home. 1. They’re also common on schefflera, ivies, pothos, spider plants and palms. Read More. It’s easy to spread them to other houseplants, so check your plants carefully! The fruit is a green fig 3cm (1 inch) diameter. Major Fungal Diseases of Fig Trees. Figure 3. How to Treat Scale on Fiddle Leaf Figs. I went fiddle leaf fig crazy when I found fairly big ones for $25 each! Check their leaves for any odd growths or holes and check the underside for any small pests. Scale insects live on the undersides of leaves, at leaf axils and on young, tender stems, clustered together in small colonies. Swailem and Awadallah (1973) reported scales to be equally present on both upper and lower leaf surfaces on fig trees in Egypt. Pests: Fiddle leaf figs are prone to mealy bugs, aphids, mites and scales. Finding scale inside generally means that you brought an infested plant indoors. Fiddle-leaf fig trees don’t like: drafts, soil that is too wet, soil that is too dry, too much sun, not enough sun, dry air, or loud music. Not long ago, I realized my fiddle leaf fig trees were being antagonized by a pest. Pests: Fiddle leaf figs are prone to mealy bugs, aphids, mites and scales. Scale insects appear in many different forms. Before we decided that we were going to purchase such an expensive piece of photosynthesis, we had played back all of the horror stories that had been said from future owners. If you spot any of these unwelcome critters, wipe them off with a hot-and-soapy cloth or with a mild insecticide. Fig disease problems caused by fungi can affect nearly any part of … Scrape a few scales or their covers gently off of the ficus with a knife or similar tool and inspect the insects to determine if they are alive and feeding or dead.