Although it prefers […] Propagation can be done with stem cuttings from this plant, although a more popular way to create new plants from the Chinese Evergreen is to split it into multiple pots from the roots as it grows. The stems are a beautiful pink color. Oh yes! The plant looks perfect in mass plantings. Our potted Aglaonema cv. Place it in indirect sun light, recommended temperature for seed germination is 25 – 35 degree celsius. Don’t you think that a plant with dark green foliage elegantly flushed with striking pink or bright red tones will make a stylish accent to your décor? Place Aglaonema Siam in bright indirect light, water when soil dries about 3/4 of its depth, more about Aglaonema Siam. I don't have a schedule for watering plants (the older I get the shorter my attention span seems to be) so the plants get watered when I think about it or when I notice that they appear to be screaming for a drink. You can choose different species of this plant such as Constatum, Romano, Aurora, etc. Definitely stick the cuttings vertically, and if you want to have a beefier plant overall, stick them in that same pot and increase the amount of total stems that you have. To propagate from stem cuttings, you will need to prune a stem from the mother plant, which is several inches in length. Water the plants to keep the soil moist at all times, or whenever the tips of the leaves go brown. This houseplant can go a few weeks without water if you're away from home or get too busy to water. However, while this plant is easy to root in water, planted-in-soil water roots do very poorly. My Aglaonema Red has been in flower for 5 months now & still has some blooms on it. Aglaonema: Essential Recommendations on Propagation, Pruning and Cultivation of the Most Popular House Plant Aglaonema or Chinese evergreen is an extremely … Give another half dose of fertilizer every 2 months afterward. Red edged foliage matches with virtually any decor and offers a pop of color to your kitchen, living room, bathroom or bedroom. While they are an easy plant to root in water, water roots do very poorly when planted in soil (that is if they don't break off in the process). The beautiful red-tinted foliage adds a great color accent in addition to the health benefits living plants bring to the indoors. The water runs through the pots very quickly so I water, water, water for awhile to be sure to thoroughly soak the soil. The answer to this question is as simple as that – Aglaonema rooting with water is possible. But it does grow best when watered regularly. I would suggest taking the cutting, dusting the wet end with hormone and sticking it in what ever mix you like. Help with plant watering problems, lighting and general plant care for tropical indoor Aglaonema house plants. If you pictured that in your mind, you won’t be able to refuse having this eye catching species - red aglaonema. Uses. Don’t you think that a plant with dark green foliage elegantly flushed with striking pink or bright red tones will make a stylish accent to your décor? Fertilize red aglaonema a couple of times a year to keep it at its best. The word “commutatum” means “altered, changed” which refers to the foliage variegation. Maria bloomed also but the flowers were much smaller & shorter lived & more of an ivory color. Flowers. You can fertilize more frequently if you wish. Give another half dose of fertilizer every 2 months afterward. How to propagate Aglaonema? Allowing soil to dry a bit before watering, especially in winter, will keep Aglaonema at its healthiest. The cultivar is native to humid tropics. How to propagate Aglaonema? Considered one of the easiest plants to grow, Aglaonema isn’t picky about light, water or food. Legacy another beautiful Thai hybrid, that was purchased in June with four young shoots had become somewhat large for the small 6-inch diameter pot. As these are indoor plants you shouldn't have to worry about pests.