I Preordered Watch Dogs for PS3 from UPlay. I searched for long but i didn't get any result yet. If my order is "Submitted" Does this mean I can cancel the order without payment. You're in limbo. Leo Gerard : The TPP deal shouldn't even be submitted to Congress, and if it is, it should be quickly rejected. Below are the different order statuses: Submitted: You successfully submitted your order to Overstock! All packages sent have a separate tracking number and may be followed on the Order Status page. I searched for long but i didn't get any result yet. Please refer to the table below to learn more about the available options at each stage of your order… That means it will go to human resources, then to the department in which you applied, they will check your background, references, etc.... That is the company's process of accepting applications, therefore they tell you the application is being "processed". We are happy to accept PayPal for purchases. - 3235671 Eziba is owned and operated by Overstock.com. Eventually the status would show that the job had been removed (they changed their mind about having an opening) or that I wasn't selected. Overstock’s liability for losses any international customer suffers as a result of anything Overstock does or does not do in connection with any order is strictly limited to the purchase price of the product you purchased and any losses which are a foreseeable consequence of any violation of the Terms. Overstock.com also ranks 8th among Wholesale sites. I called overstock to report the issue and the customer service agent tells me this is a common practice and they wait 24-48 hours after the email before processing a package track. I want the list of sales order status and its state in Ax, in order to map it with Magento sales order. In these instances, our notification to you that your order has “shipped,” marks the time when shipping has commenced; it does not mean that all items in the order have shipped at that time. Please Note: "Overstock.com" will appear on your billing statement for any Eziba purchases. Am new to AX. All that is considered the "Processing" period. Check out our Help Center to learn more about Overstock Services and find out how to troubleshoot common problems. If my order is "Submitted" Does this mean I can cancel the order without payment. There's no way to really tell with these things. Overstock.com also ranks 8th among Wholesale sites. PayPal Information. It just means you you haven't been rejected yet... but you haven't been selected for an interview yet. The order status will remain as "Processing" until we receive shipment tracking information back from the manufacturer(s). Please Note: Your credit card will be charged immediately once your order is submitted. A canceled order is a previously submitted order to buy or sell a security that gets canceled before it executes on an exchange. We submitted 116 pages in 10 separate submissions, the government declared all of it classified. You will receive a shipment confirmation email when your order has been shipped. Please Note: "Overstock.com" will appear on your billing statement for any Eziba purchases. Definition of Order Status. On your order details page, various types of help options will be available based on your order status.