Italian cypress can be very sensitive to soils which do not drain easily or are watered too frequently and the roots kept wet. Italian stone pine can be kept in a pot, which will help keep it smaller. I have 4 pine trees (not sure the type but they look like Christmas trees) in my back yard. Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10, mini pines do well as year-round houseplants. Selection and care of living christmas trees arborscape pinus pinea italian stone pine umbrella flora toskana on dasher tree keep your european tree looking good my garden life dan gill what to know about ing and keeping your live. Elmwood community members mourn the death of a large Italian stone pine tree on the corner of Cherry and Russell streets that will need to be removed by early November. Any soil that you are bringing in should be amended with organic matter such as compost. ... How To Care For A Dying Italian Stone Pine. Browning, falling needles on pine trees may be a natural occurrence, depending on the species and age of the pine tree. Hey there! The Italian Stone Pine is a quintessential plant, with soft evergreen foliage and an easy-growing silhouette. Knowing which species of pine you have and the time of year you first see symptoms can help you identify the problem. It will still need to be repotted in larger pots periodically. After 5 years in my home, I just learned this morning what I thought was a Monterey Pine in my back yard is actually a Stone Pine. This can occur every three to four years in pine … Use well-draining soil. I was given this Italian Stone Pine by a friend in hopes that I could nurse it back to health. Italian stone pine (Pinus pinea), true to its roots, is "molto contento," that is very contented, in Mediterranean-like climates, and it is cold-hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 to 11. Mini Italian stone pine trees (Pinus pinea) are closely associated with the Christmas season, but you can enjoy and grow miniature pines all year. On pines, this may be due to pine wilt, a fatal disease that is found primarily on Scots pine. We've even planted your Italian Stone Pine in a pot before shipping. An arborist came to give me a quote to remove a broken branch which he said was a very common occurance for this tree. Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10, mini pines do well as year-round houseplants. Unfortunately I have never had a Stone Pine and have no idea what's wrong with it or how/if I can get it back to being happy and green. Other diseases may also be … Some people hesitate to use pine trees because they worry that the roots of a pine planted near a house might cause damage to the foundation. Simply unbox and it's ready to grow! It might not be a bad idea to replace the soil and make sure that the soil being used drains freely after an irrigation.