In the beginning, you felt like you had all the time in the world to study for the bar exam. So today, we’re going to talk about how to create an effective study/revision schedule for finals. This is starting to feel like a useful amount of time for studying. Frankly, I just want you to know that smart students don't prepare for their tests/exams at the last minute. I recommend about 4 weeks to study and no more. What I want to do specifically with this video/article is show you one of my own study schedules from my freshman year, which will hopefully give you a good idea of how to structure yours. You will feel reinvigorated after it and it will help to relieve the clutter in the brain • Students need energy to perform at their best. So guys,after 2 weeks from today i will have maths and portuguese(i am from Portugal) exams. Test-takers can also follow several steps to ensure they are ready for the exam within two weeks of studying. The night before the test, stop studying around six and pack your bag. Finals week can be the most stressful time for a student, whether in high school, college or graduate school. I want to share about things that worked for me to get my PMP. Study for exams in this order: 1.) Don't waste time rereading the entire textbook, or even all your notes. • Practice for the exam “skill”, i.e. Two days before the test, read testing strategies for the exam, memorize the testing directions as printed in the book or online. Start with what will definitely be on the the test, then what will probably be on the test, and finally what might be on the test. Then life happens: work gets in the way during the week, family events take over on the weekends, and the next thing you know you have two weeks left to study before the bar exam. • Every day, take at least 30 minutes exercise - a brisk walk, a swim or a short cycle. Judge by your own habits. You might have a week’s revision time between two exams during your GCSEs or A-levels, or perhaps a particularly unkind teacher has scheduled an internal exam for straight after you get back from half term. Hope this will help your readers. Promise your friends that they'll see you more after this 10-day study period. ... How to Study for NCLEx in 2 Weeks; I was fading toward the end. The situation becomes even more stressful when you've only got one day to study for an important exam. So i want to ask you somethings about studying :) Don't waste time rereading the entire textbook, or even all your notes. might be on the test. Create your own study guide. This information can be rough if it’s much longer than that. I underwent PMP training Feb 2015, I became a PMI member and submitted my application in the month of April. Take more than one full length test with no breaks to gain stamina. definitely 2.) Step 1: Review NCLEX Test Plans. Don't waste time watching your usual movies and TV shows, and only listen to songs if they help you study. Score the test the day after. Score the test the day after. Exam Dates Wed 21st I have Maths, Language, Geography and Science Thurs 22nd I have Art, French, History, English and CSPE Fri 23rd I have Metal Work and Religion. Best Answer: Weather its mock or the real exam, the point is that u should do good in both! As I write this, finals are right around the corner for most students… and here right now for others.. 2. Test-takers can also follow several steps to ensure they are ready for the exam within two weeks of studying. Afford enough time to study 40 minutes a day instead of hours on end. Keep doing drills frequently. If you can get your hands on some practice exams, start with those. Ask your teacher for a review sheet or test guide if he or she has not already given you one. They start from Day One of the semester calendar. The night before the test, stop studying around six and pack your bag. It really burns you out. Work on them as early as you can and get an idea of the format and the way that the professor comes at things on the exam. I can't study on Mondays and … The Last Two Weeks. ... How to Study for NCLEx in 2 Weeks; Instead of memorizing all your notes, prioritize what you’ll study. Starting to study two weeks before the exam Home › Forums › ACCA Forums › ACCA FM Financial Management Forums › Starting to study two weeks before the exam This topic has 10 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 9 months ago by cpn91 . Parties are fun, but they'll need to wait until your exams are over—you have far more important things to achieve in this period. How to Study for an AP Test in Two Weeks - Week 2 Take another practice test. This was my first attempt and a very haphazard one. Ten tips to help you prepare for your exams with two weeks to go.