How to Grow Aloe Vera. The plant is great for purifying the air and clearing out some toxins.More oxygen that you have in your room better you can sleep. Immensely popular for its medicinal effects, aloe vera is a popularly grown houseplant. Aloe Vera. The aloe vera is a short and stocky plant with long, thick, fleshy leaves. In it you’ll find info on: growing aloe vera indoors, outdoors, removing the pups (babies which grow at the base), planting & caring for the pups, planting aloe in containers plus the mix to use, & how I use & store aloe vera leaves. The good news is that aloe vera plants are super easy to grow houseplants, and they grow very well in pots. Aloe vera also does well in … With long, bright green leaves, aloe vera plants also look great and can add some vibrant color to your garden or home. People often make the mistake of treating all succulents like cactus, which isn’t a good idea for the varieties that don’t like the heat, such as the aloe vera. Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that’s been used to treat various health conditions for thousands of years. Having access to your own aloe vera means you can make your own fresh Aloe Vera products at home. It is used in many cosmetic and health care products. Harvesting Aloe Vera Gel: To harvest the gel … Healthy Aloe Vera plants grow more rapidly than plants that are struggling with issues that are weakening it such as pests, diseases, and adverse growing conditions. • Ideal soil conditions — Aloe vera prefers dry, sandy soil. How to grow aloe vera from cuttings The simplest way to propagate aloe vera is from the small plants that form at the base of the plant. Growing your own Aloe Vera plant means that you can assure it has been handled with the greatest of care. Aloe vera, just like other succulents do not care about humidity or lack of it. In its leaves, a gel is found which has healing qualities, due to which it is grown all over as a major medicinal plant. Aloe vera is great for health and we all are aware of its health benefits. You can grow aloe vera from an existing plant … Aloe vera is most commonly known for the healing qualities of the gel that you find in the leaves. 4″ Aloes for sale in the greenhouse at Green Things.. Before I continue on, here’s an Aloe Vera 101 guide for your reference.