but if you wanna eat a lot of carrots, i would take a normal sized cup, fill it with carrots then just eat those. I know there are 0 point foods, but at what point does eating too many 0 point foods become points? How many times a week can we eat potatoes and still be healthy? Because of my own experience in finding that eating a raw carrot daily prevented my migraines, I began to suspect that the carrot fiber was having both a bowel-protective and an antiestrogen effect. Why have the NHS said we should eat five pieces of fruit and vegetable a day… dont eat too many a day, try to eat a variety of fruit and vegetables. On a greater picture if there is no limit to the number of carrots you can eat in a day but as a diabetic, you should do this with moderation. usually a cup is a serving of vegetables or something, so that would likely be a good amount. Eating too many carrots can give your skin an orange tinge resembling jaundice, the difference being is the whites if your eyes dont turn yellow. Let’s Find Out! Side Effects of Eating Too Many carrots. In brief: Unlimited Carrots are a good source of vitamin a but if you eat too many you may turn your skin temporarily and harmlessly yellow. But eating too many carrots can bring in too much beta-carotene the molecule responsible for carrots' bright orange hue and a precursor of vitamin A. Though highly nutritious when eaten within the "recommended" amount, on average 100g contains 8285 µg of beta carotene, which is the inactive form and precursor to vitamin A. Your dog can eat carrots to her little heart’s content, as long as she doesn’t have too many at one time. Yes! I usually have my carrot salad about 30-60 minutes before dinner. When you eat a small amount, there is no major side effect to you as a diabetic; the opposite is true if you consume many carrots. You can also have carrots juices. Also, if you are eating over 5 quail eggs per day, then you need to cut back on other vitamin A rich foods like carrots and fish oil. Having carrots is really good for your health , the best time to have it is during your breakfast and dinner . How Many B aby Carrots Can I Use To Prepare A Serving?. While any food can make you gain weight if you eat it in excess, it's pretty difficult to "overdo it" on produce — carrots included! I usually add 4-6 baby carrots to my morning smoothies, along with protein powder. The worse thing that can happen if you eat too many is that your palms or soles of your feet may turn a "orangey" color that will fade if you stop eating so many (happens to children most often). Eating too much beta carotene doesn’t cause the whites of the eyes to yellow, while jaundice does, but if skin color changes in an infant, it’s best to see a pediatrician to make sure that the problem is just too many carrots or too much pumpkin. The condition is known as carotenimia and is benign. dont eat too many a day, try to eat a variety of fruit and vegetables. But eating only carrots? Since they are so little, you will eat many more of these than regular eggs. Example: 10 baby carrots = 0 points. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, a natural pigment that gives the root vegetable its orange color.When you consume too many carrots -- or sweet potatoes, pumpkins, or any other food that is similarly high in carotene-- excess beta-carotene will enter the bloodstream and be stored under the skin, thus giving it a yellow, orange or golden tint. This occurs due to consumption of lots of beta-carotene, the chemical that gives orange veggies like sweet potatoes, pumpkins and carrots their color. Ideally, you should eat the carrot salad on its own as a snack, away from meals, and on an empty stomach. Eating only carrots will tend to irritate your intestines. Beware the over-consumption of Vitamin A, too. If you are a smoker, too much beta carotene can actually expedite cancer in grand fashion. But are the really good for them, or should they be given in limited servings? You can have upto 5–6 carrots per day .