Hey guys, I have a Vipar B2X4 600w (360w actual draw) LED and Il be starting my grow soon. As a general guideline, you should start with the guidelines suggested by your grow light manufacturer, usually 18” to 24” away from the plant. how far should LED grow lights be from plants? Light is a good thing for plants. The rule of thumb: always start with the guidelines provided by the manufacturer, often 18-24 inches away from your plant. The most common mistakes with LEDs are not having enough light and not placing the light at the proper distance. For grow lights with optics (such as the one we sell) – you can afford to be a bit further away. The majority of indoor plants requires this intensity, so there’s a big chance that this is going to be the most common distance. You already have growing lights, plants, all liquid nutrients and everything you need to grow. Keeping the proper distance between your full spectrum LED grow light and your plants is important for photosynthesis and growth. Hey guys, I have a Vipar B2X4 600w (360w actual draw) LED and Il be starting my grow soon. Keeping the proper distance between your full spectrum LED grow light and your plants is important for photosynthesis and growth. Im unsure of how far away to have it from the plants, if somebody could clue me in that would be great. LED lights are very low heat so place them as close as possibly without being in contract with the plant. The information and chart below can help ensure you have the appropriate distance between your LED light and plants. A good rule of thumb is to keep LED grow lights 12-30 inches above your plants. To begin with, hang it about 4 to 6 inches above the tallest plant, for vegging or flowering. Hanging your grow light at the correct distance or height from the top of the plant canopy and matching the right grow light to your space can prevent the damage of too much light and help your plant grow and thrive! Start Growing Today with LED Grow Lights. Learn more about specific grow lights here. How Far Should LED Grow Lights Be From Plants. When it comes to the LED lights with 600-800 watts intensity, the best distance would be from 60 to 100 centimetres when in the vegetative state, and from 45 to 86 centimetres when blooming. This is particularly important with LED lighting because they are more directional (depending on the quality of optics used) and are also more prone to shading. How Far Should LED Grow Lights Be From Plants? The LED Grow Light must be used properly for optimum growth and yield. This may sound obvious, however, with all the opinions on the height that led grow lights have to be hung it's time to give some sound advice. Too many growers overlook light placement or decide to wing it. LED grow lights don’t produce anywhere near as much heat as HPS systems so you can theoretically get them much closer to your plants without running the risk of damaging them. And how to calculate How High … By Danny Danko October 25, 2016 October 28th, 2016 Grow. Bulbs that are hotter consequentially need to be placed further. The perfect distance between your plants and the LED lights will depend on the type of light, wattage and plant growth stage. Full Spectrum LED grow lights provide the wavelengths of light your plants need for germinating, growth/vegetation and flowering/fruiting.