Optimal conditions for your hass avocado trees are areas which have full sun and which spend most of the year between 60-80° temperatures. Avocado Cold Tolerance. The West Indian varieties grow best in temperatures from 60-85 degrees F. (15-29 C.) If the trees are well established, they can survive a short-term minor dip in temps, but young trees must be protected from frost. ‘Hass' is a variety that has genetic origins of both of these subraces. The West Indian varieties grow best in temperatures from 60-85 degrees F. (15-29 C.) If the trees are well established, they can survive a short-term minor dip in temps, but young trees must be protected from frost. When looking for cold hardy, or cold ‘tolerant’ avocado trees the group of trees from Mexico are by far the hardiest, these include Bacon, Shepard and the little known in Australia ‘Zutano’. My Olive tree handles the cold with no problem and typically keeps it's leaves all winter. BROWN TURKEY FIG - Tree size is medium and is similar to the Celeste but is more tolerant to cold weather. To avoid stimulation, pruning should be delayed until early spring. Cold weather will reduce the number of flowers open on an avocado tree (Sedgley and Annells 1981) and can delay the release of pollen. The cold tolerance of avocado depends on the variety of tree. After a year with low yield, often because of cold, for which the tree does not have much tolerance, yields may be very high the next year. If you experience regular, light freezes every year, Mexican avocados are your best option because varieties like 'Bacon,' 'Mexicola' and 'Topa Topa' can survive temperatures down to 25 degrees Fahrenheit. hail from the warm climes of southern Mexico. Similarly, 100°+ temperatures reduce fruiting capability, and your plants will be at risk of sunburn if it’s too hot. Similarly, 100°+ temperatures reduce fruiting capability, and your plants will be at risk of sunburn if it’s too hot. Most Mexican variety avocados can handle winter cold snaps down to around 18F (-8C). Fuerte avocados are subtropical trees considered to be cold tolerant. Every Hass avocado tree is descended from one tree, which died in 2002 from root fungus. Avocados: The Three Subspecies. Hass Avocado Tree. And for best fruit production, plant a Lamb Hass as well, this will assist with pollination. In this episode John will share with you a handful of cold hardy avocado trees that can withstand down to 15 degrees. For young, small avocado trees, support a heavy blanket from a frame around the tree. Protecting Avocados from Frost. Eat fresh or make guacamole, as Fuerte has … If cold weather that could potentially damage your avocados is forecast, plan ahead to prevent cold damage. Fuerte avocados are medium in size, long-shaped fruit with a green, leathery, easy-to-peel skin. Super Haas is an improved Haas that tastes, looks and feels EXACTLY like a Haas/Hass but is a far more vigorous tree. There are tropical varieities that are very sensitive to cold most notably many of the varieties that are of a West Indian origin. According to the California Avocado Commission, "Today, the Hass accounts for about 80 percent of all avocados eaten worldwide and generates more than $1 billion a year in revenues in the U.S. Severely frozen fruit may show brown water-soaked spots in the skin, gray areas in the flesh, and may even crack or split. Don’t give up hope! It is fast growing, and generally branches to form a broad tree. The popular "Hass" avocado is a Guatemalan variety and also doesn't produce as well in high humidity. The subtropical varieites that are grown in California are of Mexican and Guatemalan origin or hybrids of these two subraces. Avocado – Hass (A Flowering Variety):Possibly the most popular of all avocados, Hass bears incredibly flavoursome fruits that keep well. Some cultivars are columnar, others selected for nearly prostrate form. Avocado trees (Persea americana) are notorious for being susceptible to cold. Avocado is a fruit tree that is notable for its sensitivity to cold. Avocado - Persea americana . The cold tolerance of avocado depends on the variety of tree.