25 Advantages of Agriculture Though it has been practiced since the start of humanity, there are quite a number of people who don’t know what agriculture is and its advantages. Organic farming binds both of it in one pack. Organic farming has really changed the farming game. It enhances the emission of carbon dioxide and this may produces bad effect in … Organic farming is a rapidly expanding economic sector and makes an important contribution to human health, the health of the economy, and the health of the planet. Because many consumers are turning to organic products to support a healthier lifestyle, organic farmers can collect a greater share of consumers' food dollars than traditional growers do. Farming with organic methods gives smaller crops as compared to artificial farming. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service reports that "organic farming is one of the fastest growing segments in U.S. The government of India is now majorly into the development of environment and agriculture. agriculture." This is because pests and others obstacles must be tackled manually. Agriculture is “only” ~16 % of GDP but the largest sector for employment. Organic farming, therefore, provides a better alternative to chemical farming. We are Mr. Sengsavang Luangphachaleun & Mrs. Sinsanga Keo Vong Kot organic farmers from Laos. List of the Advantages of Organic Farming 1. In a country like India where most of its livelihood are farmers, organic farming brings a huge problem to it. By IFOAM - Organics International June 13, 2018 July 1st, 2019 No Comments. The evidence is clear about the success of organic farming in terms of human health, prosperity, the benefits to soil and water, to birds and bees, and the ability of organic farming to mitigate damage from global climate change. Both consumers and farmers are now gradually shifting back to organic farming in India. Cotton, an in-demand crop, requires a lot of irrigation and excess water when grown conventionally. When done properly, organic farming is able to maintain the balance of an ecosystem. India suffers from what is typically called in economics to be a problem of surplus labour and deficit capital. Currently, awareness about organic farming is restricted to expatriates and rich urban Indians. Organic Farming In India . It uses nature as the model to produce needed items. India is an agricultural country. Officially farmers are only a few hundred million, but adding family members who help or occasionally farm, as also wage labourers, the number of farm workers is … The role of Organic Farming in India Rural Economy can be leveraged to mitigate the ever-increasing problem of food security in India. However, organic farming in Tamil Nadu have had some success stories. With rapid industrialization of rural states of India, there has been a crunch for farmland. The purpose of this institute is to formulate rules, regulations and certification of organic farm products in conformity with international standards. Modern agriculture has become more advanced and relies on machinery such as tractors, combine harvesters, trailers, sprayers and much more. However, the cost-benefit analyses provided by the study show that the economic benefits of farming organically offset these costs, such that organic farming is more profitable overall—the price premiums and the lowered need for costly pesticide and fertilizer inputs make up … Also, from the point of economic status of the country, organic farming definitely plays a vital role in increasing it. Organic farming also helps conserve water. More Labor Organic farming is a sector that requires a lot of patience. Socio economic impact of organic farming ... collected with the help of questionnaire from the farmers by personal interview method pertained to brief socio- economic profile of household and farm, farm size, organic manures and pesticides used by farmers. organic farming like inter-cropping, mulching and integration of crops and livestock are not alien to various agriculture systems including the traditional agriculture practiced in old countries like India. It is believed by many that organic farming is a much healthier and sustainable option. Organic farming has been gaining adherents over the years, some of them with non-farming backgrounds. Although the health benefits of organic food are yet to be proven fully, consumers are willing to pay a higher premium for organic … First categories of organic farmers are those who are traditionally practicing the organic way of cultivation due to lack of availability of high intensive input resources. ADOPTATION OF ORGANIC FARMING IN INDIA. Advantages 1. The main stakeholder is the source, and challenges faced during organic farming can be overcome with a smart strategy, scientific planning, … Organic farmers, in general, tend to spend time amending soil correctly and using mulch - both of which help conserve water. Organic farming refers to means of farming that does not involve the use of chemicals such as chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides. Organic farming gives low productivity of vegetables such as potatoes in the same areas where the conventional farming produces more. It has been looked at as the best alternative against farming that uses all sorts of pesticides and chemicals in its process.