For a healthy adult, a 0.5 cup daily serving of blueberries is ideal, but eating more than that is unlikely to have side effects. Some people may have allergic reactions to berries or experience digestive problems, however, if they consume too many. Rocco LOVES strawberries and has been eating them with almost every meal. Perhaps that's what your mom-in-law meant? Other well-known hive producers are nuts, chocolate, fish, tomatoes, eggs, fresh berries, and milk. Many people who are unaware that they are allergic to strawberry first find out about their allergy when they get a rash from strawberries. If you're going to have an itchy reaction to food, it will probably happen within 30 minutes of eating … A fruit allergy skin rash is usually limited to the area around the mouth and face but can spread to other areas in some individuals. If you eat too many strawberries will you break out or get a rash? They can occur within minutes, or hours, of eating a strawberry or strawberry product, and include trouble breathing, possibly accompanied by a wheezing sound, and a tightening of the chest. Kelp, along with all sea veggies, is a rich source of iodine. try to buy organic strawberries- they are sweeter too, or wash non- organic strawberries thoroughly. So if it isn't eczema, what might be causing your child's bad diaper rash? Hives, pruritus and contact dermatitis Hi Alex this post is amazing. My daughter, who is not allergic to strawberries, will get a DIAPER rash if she has too many. Do you think there's anything wrong with that? Many people have food sensitivities. ... Is it bad to eat too many strawberries? It could be caused by drinking too much juice or eating a certain fruit or some other food. 1 decade ago. While the symptoms from eating raw fruits may be unpleasant, they aren't typically serious and dissipate quickly after eating. some kids can be allergic to strawberries which may cause a rash or other allergic reactions so do watch your little one, more likely is a reaction to the methyl-bromide pesticide that is sprayed on strawberry plants that can cause a reaction. ... Lv 7. Iodine is important for healthy thyroid function, and seaweeds can actually be some of the best foods to eat for clear skin, as long as you eat small amounts of them. Relevance. Suggested Read- 5 Major Side Effects of Eating Too Many Chokeberries (7) Too Many Blueberries Is Unsafe For Nursing Mothers Moderate consumption of blueberries is safe and beneficial for pregnant mothers but the high My son had this exact rash on his face after eating strawberries and bamba (peanut butter puffs) both of which he’s eaten many times. There are many foods that can cause acne on your skin. Although most people do not suffer from serious side effects from eating too much navel oranges, we should not take things for granted. Answer Save. Otherwise, if she gets a rash anywhere else, I would hold off and try again in a month or Drove me nuts! A strawberry allergy test can also be done to confirm this diagnosis and then proper prevention must be followed to avoid any symptoms. Citrus fruits and citrus juices are notorious for causing bad diaper rashes in sensitive kids. In this article, will show you the list of top 33 foods that cause acne breakouts in adults. The chance of suffering any type of negative side effect from eating cherries is rare if you aren’t allergic, but overconsumption does raise a few red flags. Am calling the pediatrician but just wondering in general whether these symptoms would also present in a … Carver in Respiratory Issues Many individuals have different food sensitivities. The United States produced an estimated 3 billion pounds of strawberries in 2014 alone.