Example #2: Below is the example for scenario outline keyword in Cucumber Gherkin: Feature: Verify if the login is successful for multiple sets of test data. And in case there will be extra row in "second" Example table I don't need to regenerate all merged tables. so, its better to put related scenario in one feature file. For example, when Cucumber starts to run this program, first, it will use the word “Refer” to check for palindrome and the output should be “true”. For this, Gherkin provides one more structure, which is scenario outline. Scenario outline is exactly similar to the scenario structure, but the only difference is the provision of multiple inputs. The Scenario Outline is executed for each example row in the Examples section below the Scenario Outline . Copying and pasting scenarios to use different values quickly becomes tedious and … In our previous post, we learned how to create scenario outline that can be used to repeat the same steps with different parameters. Hi, first of all, big thanks to have this JS Gherkin implementation. When the Cucumber Scenarios are atomic (having no dependency on each other), there is NO point in running the feature files in parallel for faster execution. While I agree that this abstraction can reduce readability in some circumstances, it can also be used to improve readability and I'm certain that it can improve maintainability. Scenarios can be grouped and run in parallel or you can execute all at once. Each row in the table is considered to be a scenario. In case of "second" Examples table would be just many copy pasting and it's very clear when is done or not. They are quite powerful but not the most intuitive as you either need to deal with a list of maps or a map of lists.Most of the people get confused with Data tables & Scenario outline, but these two works completely differently. When the Cucumber Scenarios are atomic (having no dependency on each other), there is NO point in running the feature files in parallel for faster execution. The scenarios in all feature file should also be executed to get the maximum execution time reduction. One in which the types exist, and one in which they don't. Copying and pasting scenarios to use different values quickly becomes tedious and repetitive. Scenario outline basically replaces variable/keywords with the value from the table. A Scenario Outline provides a parametrized scenario script (or template) for the feature file writer. In this tutorial, we will show you some Cucumber Data Tables Example in Java and how it differs in Scenario Outline and how you can implement it in your Test Cases. Scenario Outline: To verify if login is successful for multiple sets of test data. Scenario Outline. Let’s continue with the same example of Facebook login feature. A Scenario Outline provides a parametrized scenario script (or template) for the feature file writer. Data Tables in Cucumber are quite interesting and can be used in many ways.DataTables are also used to handle large amounts of data. The Scenario Outline keyword can be used to run the same Scenario multiple times, with different combinations of values. So far we have been executing one scenario: Upon providing the correct user name, login is successful. Check below a feature file with multiple scenarios: This scenario contains step with getting endpoint with some url and I would like to have another Examples in this Scenario Outline with parameters of url. We also add the Examples table. My issue: I have Scenario Outline with some Examples. For example Search, login, home page. As you can see in the following example, the test case remains the same and non-repeatable. Scenarios can be grouped and run in parallel or you can execute all at once. The Scenario Outline is executed for each example row in the Examples section below the Scenario Outline. The scenario will run for each row of the Example table. Cucumber Data Tables can be used to add multiple parameters in a Step Definition in a tabular form rather than putting all the parameters in the Gherkin statement. A feature file can have any number of Scenarios but do remember one feature file focuses on only one functionality. Given Open Chrome browser and launch the application. so, its better to put related scenario in one feature file. Scenario outline is similar to scenario structure; the only difference is the provision of multiple inputs. Examples in Gherkin are a data-table for a Scenario Outline. Even though "Examples" and "Scenarios" are terms that are often used in interchangeably, Examples in Gherkin != Scenarios.