A serving of chia seeds provides a third of your daily fiber.
These seeds absorb a lot of water right after they reach the stomach making you feel full.
Chia seeds boost your energy. Researchers think that this gel action also occurs in the stomach, creating a barrier between carbohydrates and enzymes in the stomach which slows the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar. It’s sold at major supermarkets and smoothie bowl shops, but it seems as though only a handful of locals are into it. Chia seeds contain approximately 20% quality protein. Chia seeds, the dried seeds of the Salvia hispanica plant, are completely edible, and they are good for you, too. 10 Health Benefits of Chia Seeds You will probably have heard health enthusiasts talk about chia seeds, and there’s nothing to be worried about – they aren’t complicated to prepare. Chia seeds are easy to add to any diet and can be used to make puddings, added to baked goods, or sprinkled on cereal or savory dishes. Chia Seeds Are High in Quality Protein. Chia seeds for weight loss: Many of you know about the numerous benefits of chia seeds and they are becoming more and more popular when it comes to weight loss. As Asians, we’re always skeptical about trying new foods that are said to have health benefits.Same goes with chia seeds. A couple of studies have shown that whole and ground chia seeds are equally effective for reducing blood sugar immediately after a meal ( 19 , 20 ). Coates started his work on chia in 1991, and since then has become an advocate of the tiny seed's health benefits. 10 Health Benefits of Chia Seeds You will probably have heard health enthusiasts talk about chia seeds, and there’s nothing to be worried about – they aren’t complicated to prepare. Learn how eating these super-healthy, antioxidant-packed seeds can benefit your health. Chia seeds are high in phosphorus and magnesium—two minerals that can help keep our bones healthy, says Tara Gidus Collingwood, RDN, a dietitian and author of Flat Belly Cookbook for Dummies. Boost Energy and Exercise Performance. 1. Back off, osteoporosis! They are simply small black seeds grown in South America that were a staple in the Aztec and Mayan diet. We all know that energy drinks really aren’t great for us, but sometimes we just need a boost of energy so we can get that workout done. Soaked chia seeds turn into chia gel, which can be added to your smoothies or protein shakes as a base. You can add chia seeds to many of your kids’ dishes. When most people hear the word chia today, the first thing that comes to mind are those silly little potted plants shaped like a dog or Homer Simpson. Balance Blood Sugar. Improve Heart Health. 2. Our hair, just like chia, is full of protein, which is necessary to keep it strong and thick. Protein helps in building and maintaining not only muscles but also the organs. Chia seeds may also help reduce blood sugar. Most people know that chia seeds are great for their body, but did you know there are actually many skin benefits of chia seeds too? This creates a gluey effect and aids digestion. Promote Digestive Health. 1. This may account for some of the reported endurance benefits of chia seeds. 4. 11 Proven Health Benefits of Chia Seeds 1. When most people hear the word chia today, the first thing that comes to mind are those silly little potted plants shaped like a dog or Homer Simpson. Soaked chia seeds are also easily absorbed by your body. Although they have similar health benefits to flax seeds, chia seeds may soon edge these out because they don't have to be ground prior to consumption, and they don't go rancid as quickly either. Chia seeds can be sprinkled onto your cereal, oatmeal, stirred into your smoothies, mixed into granola or cereal and– perhaps most importantly– made into dessert like this! 3. Chia seeds are a nutritional powerhouse containing 20% more protein than soy beans, plus added Omega-3’s that are critical to help prevent hair loss. Now that you know some of the health benefits of chia seeds, you can begin experimenting. Almost All the Carbs in Them Are Fiber. Fish has always been a go-to skin food for me since it helps combat acne, wrinkles and inflammation, but chia is also a wonderful skin food that offers quick results, and it’s vegan! (Um, caution here: An ounce of chia seeds will do you. 4. Amazing Health Benefits of Chia Seeds for Kids Source of Protein. They are simply small black seeds grown in South America that were a staple in the Aztec and Mayan diet. Chia seeds are jam-packed with antioxidants, accounting for the powerful benefits of chia seeds for skin health ... 2. When added to a liquid, chia seeds expand into a gel, which makes them a great plant-based option for thickening sauces or replacing eggs.