A wide range of fruits exist in today’s world with a diverse range of shapes, sizes, colors and flavors. The skin of a ripe "Black Prince" tomato is deep purple-maroon at the top, fading to red-maroon at the bottom. How to Prepare Cherokee Purple Tomatoes. The Black Russian tomato ranks highly on the X-factor scale due to it's unique colour and performance in cool conditions. No problem with the blight this year probably because of the heat. The fruit has a dark brown/blackish coloured skin when ripe with a similar coloured flesh presenting a beautiful dark glazed appearance when cut. Black Krim Tomato Seeds Smoky Charcoal Color, Rich Flavor! The heirloom beefsteak tomato 'Black Krim' (Solanum lycopersicum) produces large dusky red to maroon fruits with greenish-brown shoulders. They usually have a shorter shelf life and less disease resistance than hybrids. The flavor is amazing, sweet, firm flesh. As with other fruits and vegetables, a tomato is only good for a set amount of time. The rule of thumb is an inch and a half a week, but if you begin the season watering more heavily, keep up the same rate. Pick loads of these perfectly round, dark fruits with rich, sweet, dynamic flavor from just one plant. Black Krim! I am really excited to see it. I am definitely purchasing some for my spring garden. It does look pretty weird with the green and dusky pink and you have to pick it before it looks ripe. It shouldn't be soft but rather a little tender. When I grew Black Krim in Illinois, the plants were huge because it rained every week or so all summer. BLACK CHERRY: Deep, purplish-red hue with a “true” tomato flavor, black cherry tomatoes are a striking addition to any tomato medley. And no wonder, for these fruits are consistently perfect in all the ways I want my tomato to be perfect. Amish Paste: A plum tomato with Amish origins. Black Prince Heirloom Tomato is an indeterminate variety hailing from Siberia. Our first ripe black krim tomato! To save tomato seeds yourself you need to duplicate the fermentation process. ... but its tendency to crack is depressing. I personally like to use tomato cages. I am so excited to see that you have Black Krim tomatoes! The Black Prince tomato variety is a bit on the unusual side. Firstly cut the tomato fruits across the middle and then squeeze the tomato seeds and the gel into a container, making sure that you label the container with the tomato variety. This tomato can vary in color ranging from a reddish brown hue towards the bottom of the fruit, then darkening to greenish-dark purple shoulders. This will not only remove the gelatinous sack but also kills any seed borne tomato diseases. Cherokee Purple tomatoes can be eaten in any of a thousand ways. They are produced in abundance; a cross between Black Krim and Zapotec Pink Pleated. Very excited! yulka3ice/Getty Images ... Westend61/Getty Images. Harvesting: In general, perfectly ripe tomatoes show deep color but still feel firm when gently squeezed. They are indeterminate, and typically require 70-90 days to reach maturity after transplant. The 8-10 ounce, garnet-purple fruits are deeply pleated. Gets very soft quickly, and does tend to get cracks. Heirloom tomatoes are kind of like the ... Black Krim: Dark purple, rich, and slightly salty, these come from the Isle of Krim in the Black Sea. Because tomatoes ripen from the inside out, this is a good indicator that it's ready. Rather than being truly black, these tomatoes have green, brown or purplish tinges that give a blackish appearance , with each variety having different colorations. Look up your specific variety for more details. Posted by u/[deleted] 6 months ago. Pests like birds and grasshoppers are not generally as drawn to Cherokee Purples due to their odd coloring, but leaf-eaters like caterpillars can ravage the plant. They tend to darken with more sun. Great for shish-kebabs, salads (they’re striking! 21. Close. Black Krim is a great tomato and is growing well in my garden in drought stricken South Dakota.