Purple sweet potatoes have a creamy texture and delicate, sweeter taste than their orange-fleshed cousins. First introduced to the U.S. many decades ago, sweet potatoes have a naturally sweet taste (hence the name). Throughout Asia—from the Philippines to Japan to Taiwan—purple starches have been kitchen staples for centuries, featured in everything from … Types of Sweet Potatoes. There are a ton of different kinds of sweet potatoes from Beauregard to Regal, but it’s hard to find most of them in the store. The colour of their flesh varies from ivory to yellow to purple. The question: What's the difference between yams and sweet potatoes? Roasting vegetables is … Updated December 30, 2019. And in fact, they’re not all purple. Additionally, purple sweet potatoes are packed with anthocyanins, which may have anti-inflammatory properties. Purple sweet potatoes are a type that has a light purple skin and a deep purple flesh. Some Cantonese merchant use taro and purple sweet potato mixture as an imposter of purple yam when making their food. Purple yams, also known as ube, are nutritious root vegetables that may offer several health benefits. Sweet Potato Nutrition All varieties of sweet potatoes are a healthy source of complex carbohydrates which provide your body with energy needed … BTW purple yams are much better than purple sweet potatoes. The starches we think of as “purple sweet potatoes” aren’t all sweet potatoes. Depending on the variety, sweetpotato flesh can vary from white to orange and even purple. Purple sweet potatoes, also known as Okinawan potatoes, share the same starchy sweetness of more familiar varieties. The produce section of your local grocery store may be getting more colorful these days — red carrots, orange cauliflower, purple peppers, yellow tomatoes, and purple sweet potatoes. Even the internet is confused about that! Like orange sweet potatoes, they are low in carbohydrates and fat and an excellent source of fiber and vitamins. Sweet potatoes on the other hand, have a lighter skin, with tapered ends, and a light yellow to deep orange flesh. Incidentally, yams and sweet potatoes are different. The sweet potato is from the Convolvulaceae family; it is a dicot that is related to flowering morning glory plants. Yam vs. sweet potato: Which one's healthier (and what's the difference)? That goes for the inside too, from yellow, white, orange, and purple. The yam is a monocot from the Dioscoreaceae family that is related to lilies and grasses. There is no doubt that purple sweet potatoes have gained popularity – just open the pages of Eating Well, Martha Stewart Living, The Washington Post and O, The Oprah Magazine.But not all varieties of purple sweet potatoes are created equal. You can find some that are white, yellow, purple, red, brown.