This is a mid-sized plant that …
Gently remove the plant from its original container.
By planting in nursery pots, buckets, whiskey barrels, grow bags, or whatever else you find around the house, you’ll be adding aesthetic interest and practicality to your yard and home.. Container gardening is useful when: Use whatever strikes your fancy as a container. Plants Used In This Container Garden: Portulacaria Afra ‘Elephant Bush’ and Crassula Tetragona ‘Mini Pine trees’–these plants grow tall so they were placed in the back. Luckily plant breeders have been developing better and better choices of trailing plants. However, pay close attention to the needs of your plant and add fertilizer as frequently as needed to keep your plants healthy and well fed. A great trailer for a pot is one with a long season of … Here are the basics for planting annual or perennial flowers, veggies, and herbs: Take the seedling plant you grew or purchased from a garden center and pop it out of its plastic pot. The Ingredients Clockwise from left: Container garden essentials include a pot with a flared mouth, potting soil, a trowel, slow-release fertilizer beads, a mix of plants, feet to elevate containers and keep from trapping moisture on wooden decks, pruners to tidy up plants, pottery shards to place over drainage holes, and gardening gloves. Keep the Soil Aerated Use whatever plants you like. I'll cover how to remove plants from pots, how to add soil correctly, and how to clean up your plants after they're repotted and more. Place your taller plants in the “back” of the container, with progressively shorter plants as you near the “front.” This is a good rule to consider for the overall look of your containers. Gardenia is a popular houseplant, the terrace garden makes it attractive. :D Don't be afraid to mix up different types of plants such as annuals, perennials,... Go Dark and Bold. When you plant your container garden, the dirt should have some fertilizer already in it. If it is rootbound, loosen the roots before planting (see Salvaging Rootbound Plants). While I took most of the pictures as I was repotting succulents, these tips will work with any houseplant or container plant. Add soil to the container and pack it gently around the plant. Pastel and White Container. Keep reading to learn all about transplanting your plants into new containers! Set the plant in the new pot at the same depth as the old container and 1 to 2 inches below the rim of the pot. Even the nicest container garden is softened and somehow made more cohesive if there are plants trailing down its sides. Give plants a thorough drink, using a watering can or a soft-spray nozzle on a hose. Fill the container about two-thirds full with your selected container soil. 3. Deep greens and purples add depth, even in shady places. Start planting in the center or with the largest specimen and work outward, scooping and filling as needed so that the plants wind up with soil at the same level that they had in the original containers—1 to 2 inches below the lip of the pot. 10 Clever Container Gardens We Love From Joanna Gaines; How to Make a Vertical Garden With PVC Pipe; How to Make an Air Plant Container; Barrels Bring Out the Best in Containers; The Ultimate Cocktail Garden: Grow These Plants Now for Fresh Sips All Season Long; Arrange Containers to Maximize Landscape; How to Plant Hanging Baskets