English Ivy is a beautiful plant with a long history. Trim vines back to 4 to 6 inches. The leaves are used to make medicine. She loves to study nature and write about living things. Hi Judy, This is my ivy, can you tell me why she is brown and dry. Cut back ivies to promote new growth and rejuvenate a sickly plant. Ivies need to dry out between waterings, and over watering means the plant's roots are continually wet. Also, improper watering can cause leaves to change colour. There are many causes of ivy turning yellow, including pests, disease and environmental stressors. It could be caused by a bacteria or a fungus. Rots The two main rots that affect English ivy are root and stem rot (a fungus called Rhizoctonia solani) and root rot (a fungus known as Phymatotrichum omnivorum). It can show up in older leaves as a loss of variegation. Q: I have an ongoing issue with my ivy. Infected leaves have large tan-to-dark brown spots with a darker border. English Ivy Has White Round Spots On Leaves; Engleman Ivy Leaves Are Curling And Turning Brown; English Ivy Has Dead Vines After Freezing Winter; Ivy Plants Are Turning Yellow; New Growth Falling Off Of English Ivy; Fertilizer For English Ivy; Need Vine To Cover North Facing Wall In Very Cold Climate; English Ivy Seems Mostly Dead After Brutal Winter Affected leaves are characterized by well-defined water-soaked … In both cases the leaves of the ivy will wilt and turn brown but remain on the plant. English Ivy (Hedera helix) is a very common houseplant. English Ivy – Dying. A Beautiful and Annoying Plant. Plants that do not get enough light develop long vines with large space between leaves. Can you tell me if my English ivy, which has turned brown over this last winter, will turn green again and be OK? Move the plant to an area that receives more light. English Ivy Basic Plant Care. symptoms on lower leaves first appear on those leaves in contact with the soil. English Ivy Basic Plant Care. With indoor grown Ivy there is very little else that can damage them. If your ivy plant has brown leaves and brown stems as well, a fungus may be present and you should thin the ivy to reduce density, pick off the brown leaves as symptoms appear and bag the diseased leaves in order to halt the spread of fungus spores to other plants, the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station suggests. The leaves of my needlepoint English Ivy are turning brown. (See section on Cotton Root Rot) Anthracnose (fungus – Colletotrichum omnivorum): A common disease of English ivy. The center of infected areas may have small black spots formed by pycnidia (fruiting bodies of the fungus). Overly wet soil can lead to root rot, a fungal disease that destroys the roots of the plant, rendering them unable to properly absorb nutrients and water. Linda Crampton is a writer and teacher with an honors degree in biology. In addition to the English ivy, Hedera helix, there are a number of other species of true ivy. Ironically, too much water can cause ivy leaves to turn brown and dry on the edges. The colours include dark green, light green, yellow, white, and red. Dry, winter air from using heat in can also makes the plant lose leaves. Infection can move into the stem causing tips to turn black and die. Would this plant do well indoors under fluorescent lighting? An infection in the leaf petiole causes the petiole to become black. Warmth will bring green to English ivy. The evergreen, woody-stemmed plants are often seen trailing across yards and gardens, climbing walls, or encouraged as climbers along a supporting pole inside homes for a beautiful and decorative houseplant accent. English ivy stems with lobed leaves are … Owning an English ivy (Hedera helix) is like getting a Valentine every time you look at it: The plant produces multitudes of heart-shape leaves that come in a variety of colors, from dark to light green, as well as variegated forms. Fortunately, these problems are simple to correct if they’re promptly identified. Symptoms of light deficiency in English ivy can occur in young leaves as a loss of colour. The evergreen, woody-stemmed plants are often seen trailing across yards and gardens, climbing walls, or encouraged as climbers along a supporting pole inside homes for a beautiful and decorative houseplant accent. These molds can cause root rot, stem blight and leaf spot. Yellow Leaves on Ivy Plant. more . English ivy, or Hedera helix, is native to Europe, western Asia, and North Africa. English Ivy (Hedera helix) is a very common houseplant. Leaves may be reduced in size and lack rich green color. Leaves of infected plants turn brown and remain on the plant. English Ivy – Dying. Over watering can make an English Ivy susceptible to Phytophthora mold species which include palmivora, cinnamom and nicotiana. Juvenile leaves of English ivy | Source. If your indoor ivy plant is losing leaves, especially over the winter months, an environmental imbalance may be responsible. Bacterial Leaf Spot and Leaf Blight We are very frustrated and would like to keep the ivy rather than replace it with something different.