The joys of nature gardens are endless, if planned correctly they can surprise in their ability to be mixed with opposing themes providing colour and all year interest. There are simple things that we can all do, and work can be spread out over several months or even years! Top tips for making your garden wildlife-friendly. ... Plants Annuals Perennials Shrubs Vegetable Gardens Flowers Succulents Grasses Trees. Take a journey of DIY discovery, and see exactly what’s possible in your garden with a bit of creative flair and elbow grease. A well designed wildlife garden should be a harmonious place for both people and wildlife. 18. In this No Fuss video guide, wildlife expert Kate Bradbury looks at the main elements needed when creating a wildlife pond in a garden. But one of the great pleasures of writing about gardens is discovering all the amazingly different ways people garden. Another essential feature of a wildlife friendly garden is a variety of places for the different animal residents to forage and feed. Think you haven’t got space for a wildlife garden? If asked for ‘small garden ideas‘, I wouldn’t normally start with advising you to plant a large cypress tree right in the middle of your courtyard garden. You'll be able to plant a wider range of plants by turning your pond into a bog garden at one end. Sitting down to plan your nature friendly space is an exciting moment. Here are our easy tips for creating a wildlife haven in your backyard. Wildlife Garden creates Swedish design high quality products for homes and gardens. There are a number of quick and cheap ways to invite birds, butterflies and small animals into your garden, whatever its size. You can even have ‘an orchard’ in a small town garden. Most people won’t need to be told this twice, but one of the best things you can do to encourage wildlife into your garden is to leave a small area of grass or planting overgrown and undisturbed. Here are our easy tips for creating a wildlife haven in your backyard. 10 WAYS TO START BUILDING A GARDEN FOR WILDLIFE … 1. ... How to Design Your Front Garden: 12 Brilliant Ideas . Research Garden Design Browse photos, get design ideas & see the hottest plants. Even if you only have a compact corner to allocate for this, just letting the grass grow long rather than regularly cutting it back will create shelter for insects and small animals. Think again! The easiest way to encourage wildlife into your garden is to provide an area of water that’s quite shallow, with at least one sloping edge to let wildlife come and go easily. Depending on the wildlife you want to attract, its food may come from plants or other wildlife, so aim to create a garden with as much biodiversity as possible. Although the gardens are larger, the ideas would adapt beautifully to any size or shape of garden. with plans, ideas, plant lists and the wildlife you are likely to attract. One of the best (and easiest) options is to cultivate a wildlife garden. While this is difficult to remedy due to the demands associated with an ever-increasing population, there are steps we can take to address the issue locally. SWEDISH DESIGN FOR LIVING GARDEN & HOME. More design ideas from private gardens: Here are more design ideas from four private gardens that are never open to the public. 18/04/2017. The company was founded as a result of an idea to design and produce decorative nesting boxes for small birds with the help of ornithological expertise. SCHWEDISCHES DESIGN FÜR EINE LEBENDIGE UMGEBUNG. Wildlife Garden entstand im Jahr 2005 aus der Idee, mit Hilfe von ornithologischer Kompetenz dekorative Futterhäuschen und Nistkästen für kleine Vögel zu entwickeln und herzustellen. Whether you're planting for wildlife, creating a pond or need advice on chemical free pest control, the … They should provide food and shelter whilst allowing people to get close to and experience nature. From reducing chemicals used to adding a water feature; there are numerous things one can do to ensure your garden is home to an array of wildlife … We’ve sourced 77 of the best DIY garden ideas! With a little bit of work, you can turn your garden into a haven for a variety of insects and wildlife. 25 ways to get wildlife into your garden. Planning and creating a wildlife friendly garden doesn’t have to be daunting. How to make a wildlife-friendly garden With a bit of thought, your garden can be a haven for birds, bugs, hedgehogs and bees • Show us photos of the wildlife in your garden How to create a wildlife garden. How to make your garden wildlife-friendly Most of us would like more wildlife to visit our gardens, and making your patch attractive to birds, mammals and invertebrates needn't involve a lot of work.