In lawns, mind-your-own-business is very difficult to dig out, especially once it has started spreading, but it should be possible to remove it with a trowel or hand fork.
It is a creeping perennial that bears minute flowers and forms a mat or small hummock of green foliage that creeps along the soil on thin stems and hangs down over the side of a plant pot. Often the bane of tidy gardeners, this is a mat-forming, evergreen, perennial plant which creeps along, colonising pathways, banks, stone walls and frequently cracks in paving. Mind your own business Factsheet History Mind-your-own-business was possibly introduced into Ireland as a greenhouse plant in Victorian times and subsequently escaped out into the garden where it now grows happily in borders and lawns. No, not a problem with nosy neighbours, but a creeping perennial, Soleirolia soleirolii (syn.Helxine soleirolii).It looks lovely in wall and patio crevices, spreading quickly to fill gaps, but regrows from the smallest sections of stem, and can be a nightmare to control once it gets into a lawn or borders. Mind-your-own-business is not easily confused with other wild plants on this web site. These plants will have a lot more details displayed including an image. The plant goes by another name of 'baby's tears' and it makes for an attractive, if somewhat rustic, gift that is sure to make for a stunning gift for just about any household. Best known as an indoor plant, baby's tears, or mind your own business, makes an attractive and maintenance-free alternative to grass as ground cover in moist, shady areas. Mind your own business, auf Deutsch etwa: „Kümmere dich um deine eigenen Angelegenheiten“, ist eine populäre englischsprachige Redewendung. All ... SOLERIOLIA SOLERIOLII (SYN HELIXINE SOLEIROLII) Mind Your OWN Business Plant. Soleirolia soleirolii (/ s oʊ ˌ l iː ə ˈ r oʊ l i ə s oʊ ˌ l iː ə ˈ r oʊ l i ˌ aɪ, ˌ s oʊ l ɪ ˈ r oʊ-/, syn. Try Prime Hello, Sign in Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Orders Try Prime Basket. I lift mind your own business (Soleirolia soleirolii) off my garden in layers and put it out for council green recycling.Shaking soil from the roots spreads it. The plant will soon take hold on any soil or lawn, although it’s particularly prevalent in the crevices of stone walls and in damp conditions. SOLERIOLIA SOLERIOLII (SYN HELIXINE SOLEIROLII) Mind Your OWN Business Plant. Babys TEARS Tough Hardy GROUNDCOVER Plant in 7CM Pot. Mind Your Own Business is not an instruction but a mat-forming plant also know as Baby’s Tears. Babys TEARS Tough Hardy GROUNDCOVER Plant in 7CM Pot. Help!. I know someone who uses this for 'Mind your own business' but it doesn't last long and you can't use weedkillers in lawns. The plant with so many common names - Paddy's Wig, Corsican Creeper, Friendship Plant, Bread and Cheese, Baby's Tears, Paddy's Tears, The Pollyanna Vine - the list is endless. It can become very difficult to control if allowed to spread onto a lawn. It is especially difficult to control in the lawn. An earlier question referred to malt vinegar for something else. 'Mind your own business', does anyone know how to get rid of it? Skip to main content. It often begins to grow in a shady, damp corner and easily spreads into the grass. Mind Your Own Business - Glaucous Form Mind Your Own Business - Pale Green Form. Mind-your-own-business (Soleirolia soleirolii) is a very small, but troublesome perennial lawn weed. mind- your- own- business can be a very decorative plant in the garden. The thin,fleshy,much-branched stems business as they slowly own. Helxine soleirolii ) is a creeping perennial with tiny rounded leaves. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. Despite looking pretty in cracks in paving, it re-grows from the smallest stem sections and can soon get out of control. It has also become naturalised and the earliest records date back to the 1930's. Mind your own business plants uk. Soleirolia is plants a genus in the urticaceae family of flowering plants, more commonly known as nettles. An earlier question referred to malt vinegar for something else. Mind your own business is best known as an indoor plant that's grown in popularity over the years. "Mind your own business" is a common English saying which asks for a respect of other people's privacy.