Is it true that beet juice will lower your bp if you drink it the night before a bp test? Well it didn’t, as my bp was higher than ever for my test! A single 8-ounce pour of beet juice lowered blood pressure significantly in people with hypertension, according to a new study. Beet juice is hard to swallow and an acquired taste, but the promise of better oxygen supply, improved stamina are reason enough to make you grin and bear it. Sip on This: Beet Juice Lowers Blood Pressure. of beet juice. The research behind this story aimed to look at whether nitrates may be responsible for the blood pressure-lowering effects of beetroot juice. Participants in a study conducted by St Bartholomew's Hospital in London showed a decrease in blood pressure in less than one hour after drinking 20 oz. The best way to manage blood pressure? In a 2015 study, drinking the juice for 7 days did not affect blood pressure one way or another in older overweight adults . Drink 20 oz. Drinking beetroot juice every day could help to lower blood pressure, say researchers. But, the next morning, 24 hours later than my drinking the beet juice, my blood pressure was around 123/72, which for my age, is perfect! Since beet juice lowers blood pressure, people who have naturally low blood pressure should use caution when drinking it, as it may result in an unsafe drop in blood pressure. But of course, like most things in life, the real answer is not quite that simple. The researchers checked the participants' blood pressure every 15 minutes one hour before they drank the juice and every 15 minutes three hours after drinking the beet juice. Drink beetroot juice, avoid holidays and test BOTH arms. For many instances, the whole food is the best to eat because you get all the fiber, nutrients and healthy benefits. How can I lower my blood pressure on the day of my medical exam? Since i'm borderline pre hypertension 130+ over 87-91 i would think if it works i would pass no problem. The simple answer is ‘yes’. In the case of beet juice and blood pressure, it’s a little different. of beet juice. Beet juice has been shown to temporarily lower your blood pressure. I also just read online that when they test your bp if your back is not supported in a … Beetroot and its juice is beneficial for lowering blood pressure and better oxygen supply. However the 2012 Australian beetroot juice blood pressure study found it did lower it, but by a less impressive amount than the 2008 study… a … (hence my 3rd medication was prescribed). Beetroot juice “could save your life” claimed the Daily Mail. A study done at St. Bartholomew’s hospital in London showed a decrease in blood pressure in less than an hour after drinking 20 oz. It said that the juice contains nitrate, a chemical that reduces blood pressure and therefore cuts the risk of heart disease and stroke. Is It Better to Eat the Beets or Drink the Juice to Lower Your Blood Pressure? I had read that drinking two cups of beet juice 2-3 hours prior to a test would lower bp by 10. They also checked every hour to six hours and then at 24 hours after they drank the beet juice. There’s no question, for example, that drinking fresh, raw beet juice—about 8.5 ounces per day—has been linked to reductions in blood pressure among middle-aged adults who suffered from mild high blood pressure (hypertension). ... and not to smoke at least an hour before being tested. You may get the best benefits from actually drinking the beet juice. Beet juice … Beet juice contains nitrate, a component that dilates blood vessels and increased blood flow.