Amazing Benefits of Yarrow Essential Oil. Today, blue yarrow essential oil can be used for a wide range of physical conditions ranging from skin care to rheumatism and cramps. Yarrow juice is sometimes mixed with alcoholic beverages to boost their health benefits. Y arrow Essential Oil has amazing health benefits. You will find that you will feel much healthier when you use this type of oil for a number of health conditions. Even topical applications should be constituted by adding it to carrier oils of moisturizers. Eventually it also helps heal the … Even topical applications should be constituted by adding it to carrier oils of moisturizers. The essential oil has a wide array of properties such as astringent, antimicrobial, anti-rheumatic, febrifuge, anxiolytic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cicatrisant, and decongestant. Yarrow Essential Oil is dark blue in color and is similar in hue to that of German Chamomile Essential Oil and Blue Tansy Essential Oil due to its chamazulene content. A massage with this oil helps to clear the uric acid build-up in joints and helps to reduce spasms. Put few drops of Yarrow essential oil in a poultice that helps to soothe both external and internal hemorrhoids. There is so much more to Yarrow essential oil than just providing intoxicating fragrance. This oil is anti-inflammatory, anti rheumatic, expressive, hemoglobin, hypo-tension, tonic, anti-septic and others. Benefits of Yarrow Essential Oil 1. Skincare products and ointments contain yarrow essential oils and it’s extracts that help clear out eczema and calm skin inflammation. Yarrow essential oil has been found to kill the larvae of Aedes albopictus (aka tiger mosquito or forest mosquito). Certain diseases restrict the usage of the oil as it can aggravate the pre-existing condition. Health Benefits of Yarrow Essential Oil Let’s explore more about these versatile and somewhat unexpected health advantages of Yarrow vital oil. Below, some of its most studied benefits: Anti inflammatory Activity. Yarrow essential oil possesses good anti inflammatory activity, which is used to treat rheumatism, muscle aches and heal inflamed cuts or wounds. These are the proven facts for the actions of yarrow essential oil in the digestive system, tissues and the blood stream. Essential oils are used for fragrances and aromatherapy, and are made directly from the plant by steaming, expression or extraction of the oils. Yarrow juice is sometimes mixed with alcoholic beverages to boost their health benefits. Yarrow essential oil, which comes from a perennial herb also known as Achillea Millefolium, is well known throughout Europe.It’s believed to be a remedy for various ailments and diseases, plus has significance within European culture itself. 7 Amazing Uses And Benefits Of Yarrow Essential Oil Read this and learn everything you need to know about yarrow oil. Hence it acts as an anti-septic. Blue Yarrow Essential Oil Benefits. Yarrow Essential Oil. It shows anti-inflammatory properties that help treat muscle cramps during menstruation, rheumatism, or muscular spasms caused during exercising or training. Acne scars can also be healed and treated with yarrow essential oil when added to carrier oils. Research notes. During the Middle Ages, it was part of an herbal mixture known as gruit used in the flavoring of beer prior to the use of hops. One of the most popular forms of yarrow used today is yarrow oil, which is extracted from the dried plant through steam distillation. A unique blend of Yarrow essential oil and Pomegranate seed oil, the doTERRA Yarrow|Pom Active Botanical Nutritive Duo offers significant benefits for the skin, body, and emotions. Yarrow essential oil has some astounding medicinal benefits, but, oral consumption is not recommended. It is a natural alternative to harmful medications to treat dry skin, menstrual cramps, arthritis, and other diseases, but it is always safer to consult a doctor before using it. The yarrow essential oil has multiple uses for health benefits. The fragrance of yarrow essential oil helps in centering your focus. Please note that infused oils are different from essential oils. The health benefits of Yarrow Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, astringent, carminative, cicatrisant, diaphoretic, digestive, expectorant, haemostatic, hypotensive, stomachic and tonic substance. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) essential oil exhibits antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.The paper concludes that due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of the essential oil, it could be used in many applications, including as a functional ingredient in health food or as a drug for treating inflammatory related diseases. of base oil and 5 to 8 drops of yarrow essential oil that provides relief from painful joints.