The Guardian - Back to home. High-alcohol drinks like spirits cause the body to reduce fluid in the blood at an increased rate compared with drinks like beer. Same as dark rum. It isn’t. According to a 2010 study, hangovers are largely influenced by compounds called “congeners.” Ethanol — that’s the chemical responsible for your buzz — is the desired product of fermentation in booze, but producing it results in some toxic byproducts. While it can keep you from falling asleep, experts say it is the worst combination for causing hangovers because it mixes alcohol, a depressant, with caffeine, which is a stimulant. Alcohol isn’t good for you — no surprise there. A hangover means you’ve done damage that needs to be reversed. I t was the worst hangover of my life – and I have had a lot of hangovers. 2:48pm 05.12.2016 News • alcohol by Jack Beresford. "Alcoholic carbonated beverages are absorbed faster due to the carbonation, which can cause you to get much drunker much faster, setting you up … You can help to mitigate the hangovers caused by drinking sugary, alcoholic drinks. People who want to remain healthy even while drinking alcohol may choose to order simple drinks. Brandy. For example: Alcohol causes your body to produce more urine. Dr Paul McLaren, an addiction expert at Priory Hospital Hayes Grove, is less convinced that different types of alcoholic drinks have varying effects. Experts reveal which alcoholic drink gives the worst hangover. The liver has difficulty processing alcohol and may be too busy trying to process it to help control your sugar, making it seem like you get drunk faster with a more severe hangover. By ... in small, gradual sips, which helps to avoid hangovers. So, now you know—sugar or carbonated drinks cause you to absorb alcohol faster and feel its effects sooner, hence increasing your blood alcohol level and dehydration. 20 Worst Hangover Drinks, from White Russians to Whiskey Sours. Some drinks are more likely to sabotage your Sunday than others. Various factors may contribute to a hangover. But all cocktails are not created equal. I often drink non-alcoholic beer. "Do not have more drinks after you are hungover," says Betancourt. Dr Simran Deo from the UK-based online doctor Zava has revealed which drinks will give you the worst hangover, and which drinks are likely to leave you headache-free ... Diluting the alcohol … Many people believe that a little more alcohol will actually cause relief symptoms, but it's a hangover no-no. With New Year's Eve upon us, The Daily Beast ranks cocktail recipes for ruin. So to hangover-proof your morning, opt for clear or light drinks that aren’t loaded with a ton of sugar. When vodka is mixed with Red Bull, it creates a drink known as Vodka Red Bull or Raging Bull. Congeners determine the colour of alcoholic beverages, meaning the more there are, the darker the colour of the alcohol. Thankfully, brandy isn’t usually a spirit that people tend to binge drink. ... such as gin and tequila – with vodka the alcoholic drink least likely to give you a hangover. “Alcoholic carbonated beverages are absorbed faster due to the carbonation, which can cause you to get much drunker much faster, setting you up for a nasty hangover. Many people believe that a little more alcohol will actually cause relief symptoms, but it's a hangover no-no. Drinking this way would also help one avoid hangovers. 15 Hangover Horror Stories That Will Make You Want To Never Drink Again ... We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share with us their worst hangover … Here's a handy order guide to use on your next bar trip. One quick note before diving in: For whatever reason, tequila didn’t make enough studies for me to get a real gauge on its hangover severity. Here's a handy order guide to use on your next bar trip. Caffeinated drinks fall into a category all of their own.