If we apply the same reasoning to oils, the answer is…pretty much. Several cultivars of English Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia) are also prized for their delightful scent. Some lavenders are more subtle than others. Research shows the scent lowers heart rate and blood pressure, putting you in a relaxed state. You can make lavender extract at home or infuse oil with lavender and both will have the aromatic properties of lavender (they smell good) and also the antibacterial properties (although to a lesser degree, but perhaps good for cleaning). Lavender is one of the best value-added crops you can manage in a small backyard plot. Noticing your plant pot water smells like rotten eggs is a sure sign that something is amiss with the plant. It's tough. I have had trouble finding others who dislike the smell of lavender. Harvest your Lavender plant once a few flowers have begun to emerge from the Lavender buds. In the garden, lavender makes an excellent companion plant for almost anything from roses to cabbage.It is one of those aromatic, gray herbs that deer avoid, making it a great choice as a decoy in your Hosta or daylily beds. True lavender has a camphor-like smell to it. Purple haze: The fragrant flowers await their harvest in Valensole, France. Lavender does not suffer from many pests or diseases, but can be susceptible to soil disease if water is permitted to stand around the plants; do not over water. I honestly do not amend the bed that my Lavender is in except in extreme circumstances. I'm not so worried about the sage, it's a little spindly but the harvest has been good. If you don’t sell all three-hundred or so bunches in the summer months you can dry the remaining plants and sell … For me, lavender is a special kind of plant. Many lavender plants fail to bloom because of poor care. It's hard for me to tell enough how much I feel about them. My herbs have given me a good harvest and everything but my sage and my lavender have gone to flower at least once. Why Does Everything Smell, So Peacefully, of Lavender? Lack of adequate fertiliser, especially a lack of phosphorus, can cause shrubs and perennials to stop flowering. Also, Original Santal by Creed has some lavender and I wouldn't be able to wear it. They smell mostly like weed. While Lavender is usually regarded as a summer-blooming flower, some Lavender plants are early bloomers with their magnificent blooms appearing early in spring. Good luck with your Lavender and happy growing! For example, I can't stand the smell of Le Male because the lavender note is overpowering. There are over 450 Lavender varieties and finding the most fragrant Lavender plant is not always an easy task. The Spanish lavender has the sharpest smell. This practice will reduce shedding and keep the Lavender buds tight on the stem. Something like Lavender doesn't have any crazy soil requirements and will do just fine in a poor quality soil.