75% off – marked down on the fourth day after the holiday, usually lasts for three days 90% off – marked down on the seventh day after the holiday, usually lasts for 1-3 days. Now that we have given some caution, it is time to share the after Christmas clearance store markdown schedules, best things to buy and tips to maximize shopping experience. We will also provide you with a printable shopping list so you can take it with you while you are shopping! Easter Candy Clearance Target, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid. One of the best ways to get a great deal at Target is to shop their clearance section for deals. If you want to see how much an item will cost you when you get to the register, just scan the item using one of the price-checking scanners located throughout target. Walgreens: Christmas Clearance Possibly 75% off. 7 years later the store I worked at is still terrible with clearance (Take 10-15% off and move it around the store hoping someone eventually buys it), but there are a couple other stores around that will regularly mark stuff down to get it out of the store. Reply. ... Take a lap around the outer perimeter of the store to figure out where your Walgreens puts its clearance … By following this handy Target Markdown Schedule you can learn exactly which departments Target marks down each day of the week. I worked at Walmart too, and some areas of the country it might come down to a store level. In particular, how to find the best clearance deals on consumer electronics. Use these tips and tricks to save more at Walgreens, so you score free and cheap stuff on every trip. Walk up and down the aisles in search of products with "Try Me Free" peelies. This also gives you time to track down an employee if you have a question about a price, rather than trying to get a busy cashier to find someone to get the right price for you. If you want to score some Christmas clearance, it might be worth checking your local Walgreens. General Rules for After Christmas Clearance. Not all stores will hit 75% off – but out in my area one of the stores has, with a ton of wrapping paper to pick up. Hint: Stop looking in the clearance section. ... They’ll mark up from there to the new clearance level (if there is any left) ... Walgreens Easter Candy Clearance: Walgreens will place Easter candy and Easter seasonal items on clearance the 1st day after the holiday for 30% to … Baby Clearance: January and July typically offer massive clearance throughout the baby department. Grab the deals. Here is what you need to know… The Best Walmart Clearance Deals are […] I recently stumbled upon some great tips directly from a current Walmart employee talking about how to find clearance deals when shopping in-store. Walgreens Clearance: Possible 90% Off Ceramic Items & More ... also, their clearance prices may vary as well as they may not mark down to the same amount at the same time so you may find something at 50% off at one store that is already 75% at another. Uncategorized.