The Almighty Answer to the Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything. 54 14. The reason is simple: in their darkness, they cannot see the telos of life, God himself. This is not at all a pseudo-question, that is, the question to which there is no answer, as it was claimed by some materialistic philosophers! Answer: What is the meaning of life? The truth of the meaning of life is likely in the eye of the beholder. “Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather must recognize that it is he who is asked. In short, what IS the purpose of life? We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share what they think the meaning of life is. 1. So 2 die go into 42, die being the plural of dice; Therefore the meaning of life equals 42 and 42 equals 2 die or 'to die'. Life is the realisation of its own contingency. How can purpose, fulfillment, and satisfaction in life be found? There’s got to be a greater purpose, right? Life is therefore perpetual transcendence, always moving into the future, creating the present. The answer may vary from person to person to aardvark to flower. To get some more clarity, here are the answers from 16 people who seem to know their life purpose. The meaning of life may be different for each individual and/or each species. There are few guarantees in life and to assume that any answer to any question is correct is arrogant folly. The meaning of life is a subjective question perhaps. Another example: the meaning of life lies with the ever greater understanding of it. But that’s not the end of it; it’s merely the means towards the creation of meaning. Philosophers have metaphysical answers of their own, for instance, that Philosophy herself is the meaning of life, or if it isn't, it certainly gives meaning to life. Many people have never stopped to consider these important questions. Albert Einstein's Surprising Thoughts on the Meaning of Life ... “What is the meaning of human life, or, for that matter, of the life of any creature? There were three choices given at the beginning of this essay, and for me, the answer is all of the above. To get some more clarity, here are the answers from 16 people who seem to know their life purpose. Only through God, as revealed in the Bible, do we understand the meaning of life. Why study 15 years of our lives, work 80,000 hours, and then reproduce so the next generation can do it all over again if we don’t even know why we’re doing it? The meaning of life may never be definitively known. The meaning of it all, including why we’re here, is truly based on your perspective, but these 15 wise quotes are a good place to start building your philosophy—your own meaning of life. Why study 15 years of our lives, work 80,000 hours, and then reproduce so the next generation can do it all over again if we don’t even know why we’re doing it? There IS an answer to the question of ‘what is the meaning of life’, BUT until we could explain our seemingly-imperfect, ‘good-and-evil’-afflicted HUMAN CONDITION we couldn’t afford to acknowledge what that meaning is. The Purpose of Life Life does not have any intrinsic purpose. In short, what IS the purpose of life? I answer… Contrary to what a lot of people think - no one is here because of an inherent purpose which has been allotted to them in the grand scheme of things. The truth of the meaning of life is likely in the eye of the beholder.