Many are ideal for gravel gardens, prairie planting, wildlife gardens and are great to add to the cutting garden; others perform well in containers. This kind of grass will be a fascinating display – you can plant the ornamental grass in containers, perennial beds or use them for borders.. Ornamental grasses are easy to grow – you won’t have to look after them all the time, while you will still get amazing results. Many of these grasses can become invasive, as they spread by rhizomes but are well contained in garden pots. Most gardeners do not cut ornamental grasses in the fall or winter. Typically we see them for sale in the members area for around one dollar to $1.50 each in the spring. Plants in cold zones should be dug up. You can get a head start on finishing warm-season grasses when they are overwintered in a cold frame or hot house. Like most ornamental grasses, purple fountain grass does best when you cut it back drastically to remove old leaves. thinkin' of buying some "1 gal" grasses at 75% off. What special things should I do for them for the upcoming winter? How to Winter Over Fountain Grass in Containers. Easy to Overwinter. Do not keep the soil soggy, as drowning your plant is also a real concern. The easiest and best thing for the plants is to sink the containers in the ground for winter. It’s very handy, as it lets you grow plants in spots where there is no possibility of digging a planting hole, such as on a deck, balcony or rooftop. For best success, do not cut the foliage of ornamental grasses all the way back in the fall. Overwintering … Instead, overwinter them in polyhouses at low temperatures. Container grown grasses are also easier to control, and they look stunning when grown with flowers. Googled and found that Ponytail grass is indeed a perennial and frost hardy so with the added protection I might stand a chance in overwintering it. The members area is closed now, should open back up again in late March. Ornamental grasses can be used to great effect in our gardens, from providing a calming presence to more exuberant flowering plants to being the only focus of the design. By overwintering cool-season grasses, you’ll be ready for early-spring customers. In early spring, cut back the foliage to less than a foot tall, which will prompt fresh growth. Most ornamental grasses readily adapt to container culture; some, such as miscanthus, are actually easier and more practical to grow in pots. But covered they stay moist but are never full of water. I notice that it has self seeded under and around the pot so I'll try adding protection to these as well. Ornamental grasses--such as miscanthus, pampas, sedges, fountain grass and oat grass--have become very popular and can be found in many private and commercial gardens. Ornamental grasses provide a unique texture, color, height and even sound to the home garden. Snow may cause some breakage, but grasses grow quickly in the spring and regain a fresh appearance. Growing ornamental grass in containers also gives you the ability to move tender specimens to sheltered locations when cold or inclement weather hits. There are more than 60 different kinds of ornamental grasses and this just come up in the members area a couple of days ago. Overwintering Rhododendron and Azalea Growing in Containers. Several varieties survive cold winters with little to no care and provide interest in a snow-covered garden. I have a rhododendron (Zone 5) and azalea plant in pots on my 2nd floor balcony. Overwintering Rhododendron and Azalea Growing in Containers. . Growing ornamental grasses in containers is an excellent way to feature grasses without letting them branch out and taking over your whole garden. The relatively wide and shallow roots of the grass are no match for freezing temperatures. I have several hardy varieties - Zebra Grass and a Pampas grass. And that’s what makes the difference when you cover. Leftover pots of grasses can overwinter alongside newer production. Easy to Overwinter. The pot must have drainage holes and an unglazed or lighter colored pot will evaporate excess moisture better than a glazed, dark colored pot.