Plant garlic cloves about an inch deep. If you’d like to grow some garlic but don’t have the space for a garden or a large potting container, you can try growing garlic in water. Then, you need to make the soil around them firm. Adding a heavy layer of mulch before the ground is frozen can insulate the ground and delay the plants from going dormant naturally. The deepness for each clove is about 5 cm and distance for each is about 20 cm. Water regularly until you see the excess coming out of the drainage holes and always make sure not to over-saturate the plants. Mid-fall, plant garlic bulbs in loose, fertile soil that's as weed-free as possible. Your rows can go 12 … To grow garlic greens indoors: Plant three or four cloves in a pot filled with potting soil. The … Mulch. During sunny and warm weather, water your garlic plant 2-3 times a week. Preparing Your Garlic Container. Sit them on a sunny window ledge and water them lightly. 5. Rather, you’ll be able to grow leaves (also called garlic sprouts) out of the top of a garlic clove. 4. Notice to place the pointed end upwards and the blunt end down to make the garlic grow easily. Covering Container Holes. How to Grow Garlic in Water. Space your cloves 2 to 4 inches apart. Water the garlic bed well after planting and add a light layer of mulch to keep the weeds down until the ground freezes. If the soil is dry, you have to water. Growing garlic in water is a great way to have fresh garlic available whenever you like, without the hassle and expense of going to the grocery store. Growing garlic in water is a great way to have fresh garlic available whenever you like, without the … The fatter end that was at the bottom of the bulb should be at the bottom of the hole. Insert cloves root-side down about 8 inches apart in all directions, burying the tips about 2 inches down. How to Plant Garlic. The amount of water and how often you should water will depend on the conditions around the plant like temperature, sunlight and humidity. #7. If your winters are colder, you can plant the pieces deeper. Mulch is extremely necessary if you want the garlic grow up well. How to Grow Garlic in a Container Indoors Growing Garlic Indoors. Be aware that when you grow garlic in water, you won’t be able to grow entire new cloves.