If you can’t give negative feedback in a helpful manner, in the language and tone of concern, you defeat its purpose. “Praise can be given anywhere and it’s often nice to praise someone in public. First start off with positive feedback. Negative feedback should be an unusual event: If you run your own business or are in a position of management, you should be aware that your behavior influences the environment of your company. Here we assemble a series of rules that can help you learn how to deliver negative feedback: 1. If you and the people in your company criticize and complain a lot, maybe this is a sign that you are providing too … But uninvited negative feedback often comes from people we don't feel are qualified or entitled to give it. Encourage Participation. 3. You start off with a compliment, give some negative feedback, and then quickly close with another general compliment. Be constructive. How to Give Feedback. Bad: “Your presentations are very confusing to us. The commonly recommended sandwich approach to giving feedback, nestling a negative statement between two positive ones is actually counter-productive. If we gave someone strictly negative feedback, we’d only be telling them to stop doing something. 5. Sponsored Content. Offer Help. 9. Surprising Harvard Research Says Giving Negative Feedback to Peers Won't Work (Unless You Do 1 Simple Thing) 1. It doesn’t help that our brains love misery. As Stanford professor Clifford Nass explains, “negative emotions generally involve more thinking, and the information is processed more thoroughly than positive ones. We need you to write better ones henceforth.” As a startup founder, I give and receive a ton of feedback both positive and negative, so this is something I think about a lot. Feedback meeting with peers is a difficult ... 2. Make them look good. “You know I’ve always appreciated your grasp of our larger vision, and it’s great that you see big-picture. How To Give Effective Feedback To Your Peers? Constructive feedback can easily get suffocated under a mountain of praise or employees may focus on the negative comment only. Giving feedback sounds simple, but in reality, it's not. Invest in their career. Bad: “Your presentations are very confusing to us. You may be asked to provide feedback about another employee as part of a 360-degree review. And if the sender feels neutral about the message, then the receiver typically feels negative about it. Ultimately, the review process exists as a means of improving all aspects of work life, including performance objectives, compensation and overall happiness. Instead, separate your negative commentary from your praise, and don’t hedge. Stop using the ‘feedback sandwich.' How to give negative feedback in a positive way. Recognizing your colleague’s strengths will help to balance the constructive feedback you’re going to give them and boost their confidence. When people work closely together, there's bound to be friction and irritations. 4. 4. On the one hand, you want to give your honest opinion, but you also want to make your discussion productive.