That is what we have in our master bathroom and it can be pretty tough to clean correctly. Calcium-based sedimentary stones (onyx, marble, limestone, and travertine) are sensitive to acid and harsh chemicals, so you need to use non-acidic cleaners.Cleaning products with acidic citrus or vinegar bases (such as Simple Green), or limescale-eroding cleaners like Scrubbing Bubbles and Lime-Away will severely damage your stone. Sealing will help with water resistance. To clean natural stone counters. Aside from creating an unsightly layer of scum on a rock fountain, lime scale makes cleaning the fountain more labor-intensive than normal and eventually reduces the water feature's functionality. How to Get Hard-Water Lime off a Rock Fountain Create a mixture containing 1 cup of baking soda, 1/4 cup of white vinegar and 1 tablespoon of a mild dish detergent. Limescale on shower doors is unsightly and makes the entire shower look unclean. It's excellent for removing soap scum in showers and baths too. Scrub the stone with a stiff brush. One of the most important parts of maintaining a grave is making sure that the gravestone is clean. Regular cleaning with this product will eliminate or at least minimize any crusty build-up and keep your countertop looking shiny and clean. How to Clean a Gravestone. To remove it you need to use a strong acidic cleaner however what to do if you have limescale deposits on Limestone? Furthermore, any scrubbing can make things worse. Finally, take the rag off and wipe down the tap with a clean cloth. Also, in particular spots like around the taps, where limescale may have accumulated in thick layers, you can chip them off with a non-scratchy spatula-like implement, first, then work the area with a pumice stone, followed by cleaning the area with a sponge, dipped in a removal solution of your choice. From time to time you may encounter a toilet with limescale stains so stubborn you consider just replacing the toilet, you tried commercial cleaners and vinegar but neither managed to shift the embarrassing limescale build-up. This is one reason you have to be particularly careful when using products that remove limescale on natural stone. If the stone floor surface was a highly polished surface such as marble or a finely honed and polished Limestone or Travertine a re-polishing of the surface will be required to restore the natural shine. Remove limescale from your tiles with supplies that won't cause further damage as you remove the build-up. Give it a shot–you’ll be amazed how shiny new your taps will look!