Or, you may wish to get a pet bed that contrasts with the other furniture and is a little on the wild side — an animal print, for instance. This may mean matching a blue pet bed with your own blue sofa. Best Standard Dog Beds. What's comfy for your dog? Follow these 7 steps to get the perfect bed for your furry friend: #1 – Get the Right Size for Your Dog. There are so many different dog bed styles to choose from these days, it can be overwhelming. When it comes to picking the right dog bed for your puppy to lay his head and making a perfect choice, it can be confusing at first, but following that helpful information, it will be easy to choose a bed for your dog … How to Choose an Orthopedic Dog Bed. Dog beds are super good for winters, but you need to know how to choose the best pet bed for your dog whom you'd like to be just as comfortable as you are. Dogs enjoy having their own beds to curl up on for a nap or for a night's sleep. Knowing how to choose the perfect dog bed will save you from having to replace worn out beds 2 or 3 times each year. You’ll narrow down your options and get the best bed for your pup before you know it. What Every Dog Bed … Choosing a pet bed for an apartment in Downtown may require different features than someone living by the sea or ocean who will have a salty and sandy dog every few days! Try picking a bed that provides a “nest,” so that the surrounding cushion acts like a protective wall around your dog … Pet beds come in many colors and designs; you may as well choose one that matches your decorating tastes. In addition to adding a stylish element to your home decor, a dog bed can provide a multitude of benefits for your pooch (and you). How to Choose a Dog Bed. You should also choose a bed that’s easy to maintain. Choosing the right dog bed is an important decision. How To Choose A Dog Bed Whether it's for lounging or a good night's rest, choosing the correct bed for your dog can be intimidating. The size of the dog bed in question is probably one of the most important factors, especially for larger dogs. And as a cherished member of the family, your pet deserves no less than the very best sleeping accommodations. Factors to Consider When Choosing a Dog Bed Here we review the best dog bed types based on a variety of factors: breed, coat type and temperature sensitivity. When choosing a dog bed, keep these important considerations in … A great dog bed will last a lifetime, and can hugely improve your dog's quality of life. The material the bed is made from can be critically important. That's right! Choose based on how your larger dog likes to sleep. Dog beds can be confusing to shop for, even after you’ve done your research on specific brands. Consider a dog bed that fits in his crate to make his “home” more comfortable. Best beds for small dogs. A dog bed with support is typically a mattress with a washable slipcover. A few benefits of providing a quality bed for your dog: Insulation: Quality dog beds provide your dog with insulation from both the heat of summer and the bitter cold of winter and fall.Beds such as the All Season Snuggly Sleeper Dog Bed, and Orthopedic Heated Dog Bed provide warmth and comfort, especially in …