If your winters are too cold or your soil is too dense, or even if you just want that fragrance closer to home, growing lavender in pots is a great idea. Lavender is a Mediterranean herb that is easy to grow as long as you provide it with full sun and good drainage. Look for drainage holes in your container and lightly cover them with gravel or pieces of terra cotta, up to an inch deep and fill the rest of the pot with potting soil. Step 1: Choose and Prep Your Soil. Locate potted lavender plants in a full-sun area that will receive at least 8 hours of sun per day. You can benefit from all lavender's properties and use it in multiple cosmetic applications and those related to health.. Most lavenders need a pot at least 12 inches … If your soil isn't quite sandy enough, you can grow lavender in pots instead of a planting bed. Nature Bring is giving easy information about how to grow Lavender, Growing Lavender in pots, Re-pot your lavender plant, Lavender plant care, Problem with Lavender in … How to Grow Lavender in Containers The best way to plant and grow Lavender in containers or pots is to replicate the growing conditions that the plant loves. Lavender can be grown from seed or … It thrives in any poor or moderately fertile soil. The soil required by a lavender plant is slightly sandy. Choose a pot with a diameter no more than 1 to 2 inches larger than the plant's rootball. Lavender grows well in any environment, for this, it requires dry air, hot soil, and sunlight. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is a commonly grown herb plant popular for its fragrant aroma.This easy-care plant enjoys hot, dry conditions, making it suitable for use in a variety of landscape settings and an excellent candidate for areas prone to drought. Plant lavender 2 to 3 feet apart. To some degree feeding will also affect the quality of the plant. Water your plant and ensure that water is draining out. Planting, Growing & Care Tips for Lavender You have probably come to this page because you are considering planting Lavender or have already done so and the plant is not doing so well.Maybe someone has gifted you with a plant and you want to know how to care for your Lavender plant. To assist you in selecting the right plant, we have prepared this guide, which we hope will be helpful to you. Nature Bring is giving easy information about how to grow Lavender, Growing Lavender in pots, Re-pot your lavender plant, Lavender plant care, Problem with Lavender in this article. How to Plant Lavender in Pots. Most often it dies in winter due to lack of care but overwintering lavender is easy if you follow these quick tips. Follow these steps to plant, grow and care for lavender. Steps to Growing Lavender. You can benefit from all lavender's properties and use it in multiple cosmetic applications and those related to health.. How to select the best lavender variety for growing in pots. A pot for lavender should only be one to two inches larger than the plant’s rootball. In the garden, lavender makes an excellent companion plant for almost anything from roses to cabbage.It is one of those aromatic, gray herbs that deer avoid, making it a great choice as a decoy in your Hosta or daylily beds. A growing lavender plant will need room to stretch its roots and grow into the pot. Before you place a Lavender plant in a pot think about container placement. How to Grow Lavender in Containers The best way to plant and grow Lavender in containers or pots is to replicate the growing conditions that the plant loves. Plants typically reach between 1 and 3 feet in height. Lavender is best planted in the spring as the soil is warming up. Locate potted lavender plants in a full-sun area that will receive at least 8 hours of sun per day. Growing Lavender in Pots. First note that lavender is a wild shrub, so if we choose to plant lavender at home, very little care is needed to keep this plant alive. Keeping your lavender plants indoors requires a little extra work, but it is well worth the effort. How to Care for Lavender in a Container . Find a location with lots of natural sunlight. Lavender grows great in large containers, and since they can grow quite large, start off with a large pot, at least 12 to 16 inches wide, in order to accommodate fierce growth. Pruning: Lavender is a woody subshrub, and pruning techniques should reflect this. Keep reading to learn about potted lavender care and how to grow lavender in containers. In temperate climates such as the UK there is almost no situation where lavender in a plant bed will require watering. Indoor growing doesn't mean you can plant your pot down just anywhere in your home. Alan Titchmarsh's tips on growing lavender in your garden FASHIONABLE, fabulously perfumed and a favourite with bees, lavender is a big draw in any garden.