Most of the time you can simply purge the lines by opening the farthest faucet until a solid stream comes out and work your way back. If you are hearing prolonged vibrating or noises that you believe are coming from the water pipes, it may be air in your water pipes. A hot water heater with trapped air inside does not operate at peak efficiency. What I make sure I do now is to hook up to city water and turn on all the taps in the rig. Follow these steps to release that annoying air from the water lines. I can see air bubbles in the water lines and even leaving the faucets open for a while does not bleed it all out. The only thing I have changed inside is the kitchen sink faucet to a household type. Follow these steps to release that annoying air from the water lines. Sometimes the bouncing around a unit gets while going down the road gets air inside lines, however this is just a temporary condition and should stop after a little while. I wouldn't open the hot water faucets until the water heater tank has filled with as much water as it will hold and the air cushion has been established. As it tries to draw water, air is pulled in. Hot water heating systems have been around for a long time and are an efficient way for homeowners to keep warm during the long winter months. thanks again I had a similar problem the very first winter we had our rig. (It's possible that the propane tech and I were both mistaken and we just heard the fan and not the burner.) Irony, after your suggestion I am able to completely purge the air from the lines. Getting air bubbles in your water pipes is a common and often noisy problem. Air caught inside pipes in the home causes annoying sputtering or coughing noises. I I found that the valve installed for the antifreeze fill line was not holding in the closed position, thus causing the pump to suck air. But I can't find where to bleed the line. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING WINTER PRECAUTIONS It is wise to monitor the water temperature in the tank and take steps to drain and winterize if necessary . Do one faucet at a time until all the air in the lines … Thankfully, despite the unpredictable spurting faucets and clunky noises emanating from your plumbing, the air bubble problem can be rectified quite simply without an expensive visit from the plumber.. How to Remove an Airlock from Your Hot Water System. This gets rid of the air … The RV Forum Community . One note of caution ... anytime you do feed the camper water under pressure make sure you use a water pressure regulator to protect your trailer's water system. All of … If not serviced when you see water in the air tanks, then, in addition to allowing water to corrode the insides of your brake lines and tanks, the container bag inside the filter itself eventually rots. Want Answer 1. Then open the farther hot water faucet to bleed the remaining air from the water line. This guide will show you how to remove air from a gravity-based mains water system. Bleeding the hose removes the excess air from the lines and ensures you will receive a consistent line of propane from the hose. First of all, disconnect the water outlet line from the RV water pump by turning the screw on the attaching collar counter clockwise until it is loose enough to pull the hose off. Bleeding helps remove mineral deposits that settle at the bottom, which potentially affects the heating capability. I do hear some gurgling noises in it though. I do hear some gurgling noises in it though. Ever switched off and drained your hot water system to fix a leak, only to turn on your water and find no hot water? I believe I need to bleed the propane line to my furnace.