The landlord is claiming that because of how dirty the carpet is in addition to the marks, we will be responsible for replacing the entire apartment because she does not want ‘seams’! How old should a carpet be before a landlord has to replace it with no charge to the tenant? Take photos of the carpet to evidence the condition it is in when you move in. is there such a thing I have had 2 tennants now ask me about this sooo called law. I advised the tenant i have no issues if he want to replace them himself. A tenant who has lived in the property for 10 years and has caused no damage to the carpet other than wear and tear has every right to ask the landlord to replace the carpet. 1. If you hire an attorney and win you may be able to get your attorney fees paid by the landlord but if he wins he can probably do the same to you. Visit the post for more. The dog was not allowed on carpet … A security deposit is intended to be used by the landlord to do repairs on the rental unit that is caused by the tenant himself. If you pay your rent on time and take care of the property, your landlord probably doesn't want to lose you. Sign and date the pictures and give copies to the landlord. A security deposit is intended to be used by the landlord to do repairs on the rental unit that is caused by the tenant himself. The property was let urfurnished with some used carpets. Ask why and see if what s/he says is reasonable. You can use the photos to show fair wear and tear if the landlord does not return your The carpet was cleaned before the tenant moved in and though there is no damage or serious staining the carpet is showing some dirt. If the carpet is thoroughly cleaned when we move out, and all that remain are the few marks we are responsible for, can she make us replace the entire carpeting? Asking for New Carpet. 3 years ago. How often is a landlord required to paint and replace carpet in Bucks County, PA? Question Details: We lived in a townhouse for about 5 1/2 years. I really think you should consult with an attorney ASAP. However If he doesn't respond, put your request in writing. That decision is not always out of their concern for your health though. They may have to pay for a replacement if the carpet is … If you have stained or damaged a carpet to the point where it cannot be restored, then you will have to pay to replace it. Lv 4. The carpet was old when we moved in, seams were coming up where they patched areas including an 8 ft area and some 3-4 ft areas. Is there a texas law that states how often a carpet is to be changed in an apartment? Landlord is not required to change carpet at all. This will be held and used by the landlord to pay and cover any costs on repairs for any damages the tenant might do with the rental unit during his stay. You as the tenant must keep the carpet is its best condition possible and also have it cleaned during your stay and before you move out. 0 0 0. The issue of how often a landlord should replace the carpet, and who pays for carpet cleaning, tenant or landlord, is a debate that both sides seem to disagree on routinely. When something is replaced, however, the landlord does not have to supply a new or better model. So, how often does a landlord have to replace the carpet? If something no longer works because of normal “wear and tear,” the landlord must repair it so that it works properly, or replace it. Question Details: We lived in a townhouse for about 5 1/2 years. One problem is you may have to post a bond based on the amount of the DJs ruling. Your landlord doesn't want to get sued for an injury caused by carpeting. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has set 7 years for the replacement of carpet in rental units. This is something you have to consider even if you have modern carpets at home. Required Landlord Disclosures in Pennsylvania. I have lived in my apartment for 10 years. If your landlord tells you that the carpet must be replaced here is what you need to do. Does my landlord have to replace my carpet since I've been there over 5 years. In addition to physical safety issues, some carpets present a health risk to tenants if not replaced. Like the others, I have been phasing out carpet for vinyl plank tiles or laminates. RCW 59.18.090 states the tenant does have the right to break the lease after the appropriate timeframe expires starting from when the landlord … 2. Its just more and more landlords are finding out nobody likes to clean or replace carpet,, the laminate, vinyl, hardwood stuff is more durable and easier to keep clean.. so personally I have all tile in my apts, no carpet, if they want a area rug then they buy it..