Drinking carrot juice regularly may not be all that evident to those around you, but you will certainly notice a change in your energy levels, your digestion, and the overall quality of your skin. Because it’s the favorite of a whole lot of people. Read below and find out her story on how she saved her life with this miracolous remedy and reccomend it to everyone because they can be treated When she went on a medical examination, the results proved that the cancer ceased to spread, tumors declined, as well as the swelling of the lymph glands. Recipe: – 6 carrots – 1-inch piece fresh turmeric or ¼ to ½ teaspoon dried Drinking 16 fluid oz of carrot juice daily also suppresses oxidative degradation of lipids (also called lipid peroxidation), thereby cutting the risk of cardiovascular disease . You Won’t Believe What Happened After. I began drinking carrot juice in early January 2014, as i wasn’t getting enough vegetables in my diet. Juicing is a great way to get all the benefits of eating carrots in a more convenient way. Interestingly, it took Ralph Cole eight weeks on carrot juice to eliminate his squamous cell tumours. Juicing has innumerable benefits to our health, and carrots are a staple in the juicing community. After eight months, computed tomography showed that the cancer had disappeared. For the next six months, until the end of July, 2013, I continued drinking the juice faithfully every day, except when I was traveling. She started drinking carrot juice every day in the same daily doses. I was feeling well, however after six months the cancer was spread to the lungs and entered the fourth phase,” she said. It may also be able to help with weight loss due to resolving underlying nutrient deficient that may lead someone to overeat, as their body searches for more micronutrients. Regularly drinking vegetable carrot juice benefits immunity, energy levels and digestion. Recently, renowned novelist Anne Cameron has revealed the story on how she healed her cancer by drinking only a little carrot juice daily, for 8 months. The results? The next day I tried a carrot juice: carrots, orange, grapefruit, and ginger. 8 Months After Drinking Carrot Juice, The Results Were Stunning ... she decided to try what helped a 26-year-old, who daily drank 2,5 kg carrot juice. It is also low in fat and unlike fruit juices, it is not acidic, making it easy on your child’s stomach. Having a glass of carrot juice up to three times per day makes it much simpler to maintain and lose weight. In June of 2012, she entered the third phase of her cancer. She practiced the same several times a day for 8 months. She Drank Carrot Juice EVERY DAY For 8 Months. My hair is much thicker, thanks to carrot juice. Drinking a glass of carrot juice once a day can completely change your health. I was feeling well, however after six months the cancer was spread to the lungs and entered the fourth phase,” she said. She Cured Her Cancer by Drinking Carrot Juice Every Morning for 8 Months. Ann Cameron has authored many books that are primarily for children. I have mentioned the juice in previous posts and below is my 16 months review. For the next six months, Ann continued drinking the juice every day (using her Omega juicer).